5 Marketing tips which won’t cost a penny

Karen Lambert
Karen Lambert

Chief Happy

Our Chief Happy reveals 5 marketing tips that won’t cost a penny, including a surprising number 3.

It’s true. Small things can make a big difference. Effective marketing doesn’t have to include big budgets and acres of time. I have long been a fan of Benjamin Franklin’s “For the Want of a Nail”, which for me shows the importance of taking care of the small things.

In the spirit of Benjamin Franklin, here’s 5 small things that you can introduce into your marketing to make a difference

  1. Help and share
  2. Show your face
  3. Embrace complaints
  4. Tell them what to do
  5. Gratitude


1. Be the most helpful version of yourself

Give. We all know that giving is very rewarding, and giving away a little something that helps someone is a great way to engage. Share your top tips in your area of expertise, share your own experiences to help guide others. Be helpful by sharing your knowledge by answering someone’s questions. The social platforms are a great way to embrace being the most helpful version of yourself. And to know you’ve helped someone makes you feel good too.


2. Use pictures of your team on your website

Many companies already do this, but you’ll be surprised how many don’t. People like to see other people; it’s human nature, we subconsciously recognise the shape of a face in our fellow species. And our natural curiosity as a race means we like to find out more too.  Social proof is more and more important – it’s the norm to dig deeper, people want to know more about the people behind the brand. Their story. And what they look like. They feel more connected to them when they do.


3. Embrace the complaint

This may seem an odd one to include but 96% of dissatisfied customers don’t complain. They simply walk away. They may not know how to complain, or may feel that their complaint won’t be heard or acted upon. They may not tell you, but they will tell others. Imagine if you could tap into what has made them unhappy and resolve it, or at least understand the reasons behind their dissatisfaction. This could help retain customers and also improve internal processes to help increase retention.


4. Call to Actions

Call to Actions (CTA) are often overlooked in our need to convey important information, and tell our story. But they are so powerful as they guide the journey. It may seem oversimplified but if you want someone to sign up for a newsletter, pick up the phone and call you, place an order or make a donation …. Tell them. Make it easy for them across all platforms – on your website, in your newsletters, in your social. Find some inspiration here


5. The Power of Thank You

Two words which can be used to great effect. Thank your customers for a piece of business or their continued business. It doesn’t have to involve grand gestures, a phone call or message can be very powerful. Having an attitude of gratitude each and every day goes a long way.


We all work in competitive markets with a plethora of media at our disposal, whatever sector you work in, it’s likely to be very noisy. Try out some small things in your marketing to help you make a difference in your world.

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Karen Lambert is a career-long marketer with over 30 years marketing experience in regional, national and global organisations. She founded Happy Creative in 2005.



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