Karen Lambert
Karen Lambert

Chief Happy

79%* of small businesses owners say that attracting customers is their biggest concern. Whilst attracting new customers isn’t a new challenge, the nature of attracting new customers has changed, and continues to evolve. As a result, some businesses find it challenging to make the most of new opportunities especially when they are busy running their business.

Here’s 5 telltale signs that your business would benefit from marketing support

*Source: MerchantSavvy/Factworks What Are The Biggest Challenges For SMEs In The UK


1.Marketing is constantly slipping down your to-do list


You know you need to do it. You know what to do. You have great ideas. But more often than not you find your marketing actions slipping down your to-do list. Running a business takes a lot of energy and time, there’s always someone or something demanding your attention. It’s not surprising that the not-so urgent marketing actions slips down, and sometimes off, the list.

If marketing actions are constantly slipping or are done inconsistently then this could be impacting the future success of the business, and that’s a sign for some marketing help.


2. Your website is rarely updated


This can be an issue for most small businesses. Websites can date very quickly. A website is a lot like a home, it needs constant attention. Websites benefit from regular maintenance, refreshed designs, and content appeal. They also need to function reliably. Smart business owners are constantly freshening their website to satisfy changing tastes and the demand for relevant, frequent content.

It is more difficult to convert (and attract) prospects into customers if your website isn’t updated regularly. If this isn’t happening, it’s a signal for marketing support … you could be missing out on enquiries and future customers.


3. You don’t like / have the time for blogging


Blogging (when shared) will drive more traffic to your site. Fact.

Blogging puts your brand out there. It shows your expertise. It helps educate your customers and prospects, and helps them make decisions. Being seen and heard in the same spaces as prospects and customers is essential for attracting interest in your business

If you’re currently finding it difficult to write, find the time to write, or know what to write about, your business could be falling behind.


4. Your competitors are outranking you


They’re producing high quality content regularly, they’re reporting new customer wins, they’re ahead of you in search engines, their website scores higher than yours.

Building and maintaining a connection with customers and prospects takes time and requires a strategy. If you’re not talking to, or influencing customers and prospects on a regular basis, chances are your competitors are; and that’s a cue for marketing support.


5. Your website receives few enquiries or conversions


A website is a valuable sales “person” and a great source of enquiries and leads.

There are many reasons why a website isn’t converting enquiries and sales.


It could be that your website is poorly designed in terms of converting visitors.


It could be that the user journey is incomplete or not obvious enough.


It could be that you’re attracting the wrong traffic.


It could be that your offer isn’t clear enough for prospects.


It could be that you’re not differentiating from competition.


It could be that your messaging isn’t compelling enough.


These are just some of the possible reasons. There are many reasons that visitors aren’t buying or enquiring about your products and services. It takes time to uncover why.

If you don’t have the time to find out why, your business would benefit from guidance on how to make your website work for you to attract customers.

If attracting new customers is key for your business and you recognise any of the above, then the good news is planned, regular marketing support will make a real difference to your business.


If your business would benefit from consistent, focused marketing support, our marketing specialists will show you how. Call us on 01253 446933 or email at hello@happy-creative.co.uk

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Karen Lambert is a career-long marketer with over 30 years marketing experience in regional, national and global organisations. She founded Happy Creative in 2005.



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