Animated Video Content:

5 reasons your business should be using it in 2020

Hakim Shujaee

Happy Designer
and Animator

If you want to generate leads for your business then animated video content should form part of your sales and marketing activity. They are highly effective at engaging potential customers and present information in an attention-grabbing and interesting way.

There are many advantages of using video animation as part of your marketing activity, here’s 5.

  1. Increase visitor retention rates
  2. Get more quality leads
  3. Engage with customers
  4. Strengthen SEO
  5. Improve credibility


1. Increase visitor retention rates


The longer someone stays on your site the more they are engaging with your brand. The visitor retention rate is the amount of time that the typical visitor spends on your site. This can be measured in your analytics. Making your site more “sticky” by using video content encourages visitors to stay longer and that improves your retention rate. And this also helps because………

The search engine algorithms for search rankings also consider the amount of time visitors stay on your website and this is one of the many reasons that animated videos are being used more and more.


2. Get more quality leads


Custom video content that resonates with what matters to your potential customers will attract those that are most likely to buy from you. By providing these potential customers with relevant information that meets their needs and helps solve their problems, they are able to make informed decisions. And this is why animated videos are increasingly being used as part of the lead generation process.


3. Engage with customers


Engaging content that customers and potential customers can identify with helps build greater engagement online. When you can’t be there in person, video content is an effective way to tell your story, educate your audience, show how you can help and build awareness.


4. Strengthen SEO


Because search engines like animated video content, including them on your website is an excellent way to improve your SEO and rank higher on searches. This makes you more visible and accessible to potential clients.


5. Improve credibility


Credibility is important for online marketing. Your content must have the power to influence digitally. Your website and social media help you to build that credibility in a competitive online world. When you create video content that address the things that are most important to your customers, you will improve your authority and trustworthiness.


These are just some of the reasons why videos are being used by businesses to help generate leads. Get some inspiration from this short video on how companies are using animated video content to bring their brand to life.


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Hakim Shujaee is an animator, designer and illustrator. He has created animated video content for leading UK brands including Cambridge University Press. He has been a Happy since 2012.

If your business is looking for more leads, then animated video content can help. Call us on 01253 446933 or email at



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