Celebrating a brand community

For many, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to write a blog that relates to the Queen’s diamond jubilee. Not meaning to jump on the band wagon of course!

This weekend is an exciting time for patriots and a perfect justification for reuniting communities. Aside from the Union flag being scattered down our streets, displaying the brand of the United Kingdom, this is a time for uniting and expressing a passion for our country and our culture.

Companies would benefit from acknowledging this, and admiring this.

If our businesses worked in the same way as the collective behaviour of the United Kingdom at these times we would find huge success. The internal culture of a business is highly important.

A business with a strong organisational structure and a team that sings from the same hymn sheet is a business that is nearing success. Uniting employee’s unique behaviours, beliefs and actions is a difficult task, and sometimes just one person that does not follow suit can have a detrimental effect on a business. For example, if a typical behaviour of a business was to put smiley faces in an email (some of you will know just which company I am referring to J) then you should find every employee doing exactly that.

A lot of investment goes into getting an internal structure just right. That’s because if you have the wrong people, you are expelling the wrong brand values and brand consistency is nearly impossible.

Culture affects the way people interact with each other both internally and externally. Your employees should always share the values of your company for them to truly live by them and represent your company the way it should be. It is the pattern of collective behaviours and norms that are passed on to new members of a team that keeps a company’s values consistent.

It’s not to say that every employee needs to be the same, different personalities make a company, and everyone has a different skill set. However, the fundamental values of each person should be considered in order to represent a strong brand. It’s all part of your company touch points, and your staff are the single biggest factor when it comes to contact between your business and your customers.

So, just like our allegiance to our country this weekend, patriotism to our organisation’s culture and our natural personality fit in the workplace contributes to a successful brand and a consistent message.

Emma Dobson is a branding expert and Touch Point guru at Happy Creative, a full service marketing agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to www.happy-creative.co.uk

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