Food, glorious (healthy and Happy) food!


These Happy children are teaching us how to be healthy with their food!

The youngsters at Happy Days Nurseries have been swapping their treats for healthier snacks at sites across the Fylde Coast – and have been getting some publicity in the process.

Their happy faces have been gracing the pages of the local press following some PR work from Happy Creative.

The children are being given the choice to swap and can happily munch away on their snacks if they wish.

Instead of the usual sandwiches, crisps, biscuits and sweet treats, the pre-school children have been swapping their unhealthier snacks for something a little closer to nature.  All they have to do is approach staff at lunchtime and swap their crisps for carrot sticks or whatever is on offer from the Swap Shop that day.

As well as the Swap Shop, staff have also been teaching the children some simple recipes using fruit and fresh vegetables so they can try cooking them at home with their parents.

“It’s completely up to them,” says Hayley Price-Godfrey, childcare manager at Norbreck Happy Days term time Pre-school. “But the majority of the children are happy to swap their crisps for something a little healthier. In fact, since we launched the Swap Shop at the start of the year almost all the children have swapped one of their lunch treats for a healthier one.

“We have been handing out leaflets full of top tips for parents who might be unsure of what to give their children for lunches as we want to make sure all the youngsters get a balanced meal at lunchtime.”

Nick Hyde is PR & Content Manager at Happy Creative, a full service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to

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