Giving at Christmas…

What will you give this Christmas……….?

It’s that time of year when your thoughts turn (or perhaps you have been on the case for weeks….months!!) to buying Christmas presents.

For most of us, gifts are chosen with consideration and possibly some forethought to hopefully generate surprise and delight to the intended recipient.
At Happy this year we have already begun buying Christmas presents with some real thought as we are supporting Blackpool Council’s 2013 “Give a Little, Help a Lot” Christmas campaign.

The campaign aims to help underprivileged children in the town to enjoy a happier Christmas and last year helped over 950 local children to have a more enjoyable Christmas.

Chatting in the office about the different types of items we could buy for the campaign led us on to the subject of unwanted gifts we had received in the past. You know, the ones that perplexed or even dismayed you. Thinking about this, I did a bit of research into what were considered to be the “worst” Christmas gifts.

One of the first things that came up was a news article featured in the Daily Mirror about a 2014 calendar created by Kevin Beresford entitled “Disappearing Red Telephone Boxes of Wales 2014”

Telephone-Boxes-of-Wales-2807699Apparently, the calendar has failed to sell a single copy since September. The calendar features a classic red telephone box set against walls, near graveyards or on grassy lawns and was intended to “capture a unique slice of Britain” but has even been described by it’s publishers as “naff”, “hum-drum and “dull”.

Kevin Beresford goes on to state that, “….not even the most patriotic Welsh person wants to buy a copy”. Well, I’m Welsh and I would. I don’t think it’s the “worst” Christmas gift I have ever seen.

Interestingly, research carried out by McCrindle Research 2012 into this fascinating and compelling subject, suggests that colleagues and bosses give the worst presents while partners and spouses are the best at choosing the right gift. Apparently, work presents often come with a budget limit, and buying presents for colleagues is riskier territory so they tend to be more sterile.

Most hated gifts include novelty items such as fridge magnets – the most undesirable gift. The second most hated gifts are ornamental pieces, followed by socks and undies, bathroom items such as soap, and scented items such as candles. Those aren’t so bad….are they? (Okay, maybe not the ornamental pieces!)

I did come across a few gift ideas that might be considered the worst though which included sandals which also act as metal detectors, a Maggie Thatcher nutcracker, insect lollies (fans of “I’m A Celebrity” will like perhaps!), “Plop Trumps” card game (no offensive language included), Wind-up Royal figures, Real teeth jewellery (yes…..really!) and Instant snow in a can. I’ve received a few “odd” gifts myself in the past which involved leopard print related items which believe me have never seen the light of day! I think seriously the worst thing that could be received, particularly at this time of year is bad news so I count my blessings. Anyway, how about you? What are the “worst” gifts you have ever received? I’m looking forward to your responses……

Debbie Lewis is a Creative Thinker and Customer Support Executive at Happy Creative, a full service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to

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