
Jenny Clark
Jenny Clark

A Happy PR
& Content Manager


ake a quick peek into what’s been happening at Happy HQ with the latest Happy Beat! The Happies have been presenting in church, meeting a Guinness World Record holder and securing media coverage for The Foxton Centre’s 50th-anniversary fundraiser.


John at St John’s

Happy John took to the stage this week to present a strategic marketing workshop to Blackpool BID members. It took place in St John’s Church in the Centre of the town. Happy John presented a session about the importance of marketing for small businesses, giving away some handy hints and tips to support their future marketing activity. The presentation was well received by all who attended and John is planning more marketing events.


Behind the Scenes with Jenny

Our latest Happy video features our talented PR and Content Manager Jenny, created by our brilliant videographer Happy Hakim. The duo has been working together to create a series of videos that highlight how Jenny works with our clients to deliver PR and content support. The first video went live this week – you can check it out here


Fifty Fifty

We’ve been working with The Foxton Centre to secure some local media coverage as part of their 50th Anniversary campaign. Happy Jenny had the pleasure of interviewing Julie Davis, a theatre nurse from Preston Hospital. Julie is on a mission to lose 50 lbs for The Foxton Centre’s 50th Anniversary in-time for her 50th Birthday.


Record Breaker

Our Chief Happy, Karen, was delighted to meet Guinness World Record holder David Thomas. David,  who broke the record by memorizing 22,500 digits of pi in 1998, was the guest speaker at Karen’s Vistage group. He challenged thinking and provided a valuable, interactive and entertaining session.


A duo of celebrations

 It was a double celebration at Happy HQ last week! Our Happy Account Manager John, turned another year older and to our surprise, he was struggling to remember just how old he was. With the help of The Happies, we came to the conclusion that he’d reached the grand age of 35.


Our Happy Intern Rachel tried to keep her birthday on the down-low! Keen not to cause a fuss, our amazingly talented intern turned 20, making the rest of The Happies pondering over their youth.

Here are our lovely Happies celebrating with cake.


Keep up to date on all Happy goings-on by following @Happy_Creative on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook

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Paid Social Campaigns

Paid social media can be a brilliantly effective yet low cost form of lead generation, and it’s a great way to extend your reach, drive website traffic and generate likes and shares.

We’ll take care of setting up and managing your paid social media accounts, ensuring your spend is carefully targeted. Then we’ll provide clear, transparent reporting so you can keep refining the strategy to make your ad spend even more effective.

More about Paid Social Campaigns

Social Media

All the tweets and posts in the world won’t help generate leads unless there’s some strategic thinking behind what you’re doing.

We’ll help define the right social media strategy for you, so that you’re on the right platforms, saying the right things to the right people at the right time to generate the right leads.

More about Social Media

Design & Brand Building

Marketing is bit like those huge, swirling flocks of starlings you see from time to time. Individually your brochure, email, ad, meme or gif may not change the world.

But when you join them together and ensure they’re all heading in the same direction, you have the power to stop people in their tracks.

We design communications that help build a consistent brand and convert more leads to sales.

More about Design & Brand Building


Your website can generate leads in so many ways. Informed content. Strong calls to action. A simple, natural journey from ‘Hi there!’ to ‘Buy now’.

Yet websites are never ‘done’. They need to keep evolving to keep pace with your customers’ expectations, so we’ll be with you for the long haul to keep tweaking, refining and growing your site – and to deliver the PPC campaigns that help drive traffic towards it.

Because when your website keeps working to understand and speak to your audience, you’ve got more chance of converting.

More about Websites

PR & Content

There’s a knack to ensuring your business is seen in the right places at the right time. We’ll build your PR profile across the mix of channels that’s right for you (from press to social media to events) and use our contacts to spread the word.

So when your customers are ready to buy, it’ll be your brand they think of first.

More about PR & Content

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