Happy tips for sharing your content

You’ve produced a fantastic piece of content.

All the research, specific keywords and links are in place and it’s the perfect tool to add to your content marketing portfolio.

Now, what do you do with it?

Publishing it on your website is just the start.

The following tips will help your content be seen and seen by the right people. There’s also an infographic with some stats on sharing.

Social media

Share, share and carry on sharing. Don’t be shy about sharing your content.

Sharing on social shouldn’t be just seen as one-stop shop for your content, multiple sharing is now commonplace, it brings more clicks while posting the once means only a small percentage of your total audience will see it.

Create a mailing list

If your content is aimed at a targeted audience then creating a specific e-mail list will not only show your expertise in an area, it could also generate new business leads. Research your database and create different targets for different e-mails based on your content. Try some A-B testing and split your database for different targets. These lists could be the first wave of visitors which will help you reach more people.


There are lots of targeted blogging sites on the web which allow you to publish your content as a contributor, and use it to attract new visitors to your site. Many of these are free and allow you to have links within the article back to a specific page on your site. Including links to content that is already published on your site make it easier for readers to find you. Any search engine should bring up a whole list of these blog-sharing sites.

Keywords and influencers

Being keyword specific with your SEO content allows you to join in conversations on trending topics. If your content can be part of a wider debate, researching what’s being talked about online will ensure your content is part of it. Influencers also play an important part in this too. By linking up with bloggers, journalists, forum moderators etc… who have the attention of thousands of followers your content can reach the people you need it to.

Sharing your content shouldn’t finish with your website, its potential can make it really go places.

Nick Hyde is PR & Content Manager at Happy Creative, a full-service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire.

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