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Happy's marketing news - 05.05.17

Nick Hyde
Nick Hyde

PR & Content Manager

It’s been a busy week in the marketing world, here’s what has caught our eye!

High street retailer Marks & Spencer has unveiled its first work under new creative agency Grey London, with the slogan ‘Spend It Well’ replacing ‘Only M&S’ and an emotive TV ad designed to resonate across the generations. The brand has struggled recently, with its clothing business losing some of its allure and posting a series of sales declines. However, it has started 2017 in more positive territory with sales at its clothing and homeware division up 2.3%; the first rise in general merchandise sales in more than two years.
Photo-sharing phenomenon Snapchat is showing no appearances of a slowdown in its popularity. Owners Snap Inc. wants the ad dollars of smaller businesses, not just giant brands. So today it’s launching its new self-serve ad manager for buying video Snap Ads. There’s also the new Snapchat Mobile Dashboard for tracking campaigns from your phone, and the Business Manager site for configuring the roles and permissions of team members. These tools will roll out in June to everyone in the UK.
Online retail giant Amazon has confirmed advertising is to become a major part of its business. Much of the early ad focus at Amazon has been on driving sales through targeted ads, banking on its deep well of customer data to reach consumers at the top of the purchase funnel. Yet, it has prodded other parts of the advertising mix in recent months with the launch of its cloud-based header bidding product that will see it make money from helping publishers peddle programmatic media.
Digital giant Google says it has stopped a phishing email that reached about a million of its users. The scam claimed to come from Google Docs – a service that allows people to share and edit documents online. Users who clicked a link and followed instructions, risked giving the hackers access to their email accounts. Google said it had stopped the attack “within approximately one hour”, including through “removing fake pages and applications”.
WhatsApp users around the world were unable to use the messaging service for several hours on Wednesday. Reports that there were problems with the app, which has more than 1.2 billion users globally, first began to appear at about 20:00 GMT. WhatsApp said in a brief statement that it was “aware of the issue and working to fix it as soon as possible”. However, some users have continued to experience problems with the service.
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