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Happy's marketing news - 09.03.18


Every week we present our bite-size chunk of all the global marketing news!

BrewDog has made a mock “beer for girls”, saying “enough is enough with stereotypes”. Pink IPA – a spoof of their beer Punk IPA – has a pink label and will be sold to women for a lower price than men. The brewer says it’s a sarcastic way to address the gender pay gap and have a dig at “lazy” marketing campaigns. Some have criticised BrewDog’s joke while others have praised them for donating some of their profits to women’s charities.
Marketers are overestimating the effectiveness and value of digital media channels such as online video and social media compared to more traditional formats such as TV, according to a new study. Calling for a re-evaluation of where marketers spend their budgets, new research from Radiocentre and Ebiquity highlights a disconnect between the scale of investment pumped into online media and the value it delivers. It also reveals key industry decision-makers are significantly undervaluing traditional forms of media.
Coca-Cola has become one of the most recognised brands in the entire world ever since it was first launched 131 years ago. However, the company is preparing to enter an entirely new sector by launching its very first alcoholic beverage in Japan. According to president of Coca-Cola’s Japan business unit Jorge Garduño, there are currently plans in place for the company to release its very own version of Chu-Hi later this year.
Amazon’s Alexa has been letting out an unprompted, creepy cackle – startling users of the best-selling voice assistant. The laugh, described by some as “witch like” was reported to sometimes happen without the device being “woken” up. Others reported the laugh occurring when they asked Alexa to perform a different task, such as playing music. “We’re aware of this and working to fix it,” Amazon said. “In rare circumstances, Alexa can mistakenly hear the phrase ‘Alexa, laugh’.
Shopping through voice-activated devices such as Amazon Echo and Google Home is set to become the next disruptive force in retail, with almost half of UK households expected to own a smart speaker by 2022, and spend £3.5bn through them. While 70% of voice purchases are made on a specific ‘known’ product, typically as a repeat order, only 44% trust that smart speakers offer the best value selection of products. Amazon’s Echo technology is currently the dominant player in voice commerce, with a clear lead over Google’s Home device. Currently, 8% of UK households own an Amazon Echo device while just 2% of households own a Google Home.
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