If planning were an Olympic sport

First to win gold at the London 2012 Olympics, Heather Stanning and Helen Glover are two very happy ladies. It’s a momentous achievement given that Glover only started rowing 4 years ago. Incredible. There’s no doubting they have a huge amount of talent, that they had focus and that they had dreamed of this moment for many years. But wasn’t that the same for the other competitors at Eton Dorney? The conditions were the same, the boats are were all the same? What made them different? What made them the winners of London 2012 Olympic gold?

Whilst they may feel like the luckiest ladies alive, one thing we can be sure of is that in no way was this achievement down to luck. I would suggest that their success comes from planning. A serious amount of planning.

Rowing to gold was the culmination of years of planning. And what we witnessed this week was wonderful in the extreme. But, what we haven’t seen is everything that has gone on behind the scenes. The early morning rises, the diets, the training schedules, the honing of skills, the gym sessions, a steady building of the plan, knowing what was happening when, and identifying key milestones on their carefully planned path.

It’s the same with marketing; whilst the finish line is different and the things we do along the way will vary enormously, one thing that underpins it all is planning. Yet planning is often the bit that is ignored in our haste to actually do something. It’s a British trait after all – we just want to crack on. Get things done.

So limber up, dust down your kit and prepare to win medals, here’s 3 tips ….

Bronze: Make the Plan; It may sound obvious, however the number of companies of all sizes without a marketing plan is staggering. OK so we may not have to change our diet or learn how to wield an oar or perform an Arabian roll but we can fix our goal and build activity around it. Know your customers, attract your prospects, understand behaviours, watch your competitors, bolster your conversions, change people’s perceptions. Know what you will do, and when you will do it. Whatever your playing field, a well thought out plan will help you master it more quickly.

Silver: Be prepared. There will be obstacles;The road to Olympic or marketing glory isn’t paved with, well, ‘gold’. Along the way there will be low times, tough times, and a good dose of potholes. When Mr Competitor pops up at the finishing line with a product just like yours, when a social media faux pas alienates customers, and when sales go through the roof, knowing your plan inside and out will prevent the heartache.

Gold: Measure; I’m no swimmer, but I bet in the Olympic pool the swimmer doing backstroke knows just how many strokes they need to complete each length. When the nation’s newest hero Wiggo (aka Bradley Wiggins) won gold he knew exactly how he was performing – receiving regular information from the road that is his ‘market place’ and producing an awesome performance as a result. Knowing your numbers will guide you and help you make decisions. Know your return on investment, your retention numbers, your acquisition hits, your conversion ratios. Know them, measure them, idolise them.

Just like every athlete, the way you prepare to achieve your plans will be different. But you do need a plan.

In the spirit of London 2012 make your marketing plans your personal best. Step onto the podium proud of your golden performance. Let’s do it for the nation.

So … if planning were an Olympic sport, how would you reach gold? Answers on a postcard please … oh and here’s some stamps …Alternatively leave your message below …

Karen Lambert is an experienced strategic marketer and Managing Director at Happy Creative, a full service marketing agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to www.happy-creative.co.uk

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