Lending a Happy helping hand for CSR PR!

We’ve been snap happy this week helping out our charity partner, Streetlife.

The Blackpool homeless charity has been making headlines after it teamed up with resort building firm F Parkinson chose them as their charity of the year.

Happy has been assisting Streetlife with its marketing and PR services for the past year and saw this as a great opportunity to spread the word of two great local organisations.

Armed with our trusty camera, our PR & Content Manager Nick Hyde was on hand as workers from F Parkinson presented Bags for Life to Streetlife which carry essential items that will benefit homeless people across the resort.

In 2004, Parkinson completed work on Streetlife’s night shelter next to St John’s Church in Blackpool town centre which cemented their relationship and the start of charity work between them.

Site manager for Parkinson, Adam Nettleship, has made it his mission to help out the homeless and through his fundraising the business has helped decorate and donate items to the shelter and also taken part in the Big Sleep Out, raising more than £1,300.

Ray Eyre, managing director at Parkinson, said: “We very are aware of the homelessness problem across the country so have decided to try and make a difference locally in the town that has supported our business over the last 80 years.

“We are proud to have Streetlife as our charity partner, we have seen first-hand the vital support and help they provide to vulnerable people across Blackpool.”

Jane Hugo, CEO of Streetlife, said: “Streetlife are really happy to be a charity partner of F Parkinson. It’s great to be back in touch and benefit from the support from the team both practically and through fundraising.

“The guys helped us to organise the sleep out in March and provided the railings on the night. They sent a team of people raised loads of sponsorship. Now we are extremely grateful for the Bags for Life, they will make a big difference to young people at Streetlife.”

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