My work experience at Happy Creative

We had an apprentice in the office last week and, before he left, he wrote a piece for our blog about his experience. Check it out below… (by the way, Reece, a 15 year-old student, is a great and talented guy, an absolute pleasure to work with and yesterday we received a lovely parcel of cupcakes from him as a present! Awww…)


My name is Reece, I am from Carr Hill High school and I have just spent a week at Happy Creative for my work experience. When I first arrived at Happy, I didn’t know what to expect. However, I did learn that the people who work there are exactly what the label says on the box: Happy! The awkwardness that I thought I would encounter for the first few days did not occur as everyone is extremely nice, friendly and helpful.

I did not realise how different Happy were to other marketing companies, as my stereotypical thoughts on businesses, in general, were that they were plain boring, but a great atmosphere surrounds Happy, that shows many unique ideas: ones that I did not expect marketing companies to have. Happy use unique tools  to introduce the company, the Happy Team, and their achievements to prospective clients, which I found very different and clever.

Since my arrival, I have been given many different tasks such as looking at other design and marketing companies and seeing what makes Happy Creative unique as well as doing research for and taking part in two Happy Storms. I have also looked over client briefs for recent Happy projects and given some of my own input. I have luckily been able to study and write pieces of journalism, this report of my week here being one, as well as designing logos and the putting together of some ideas for a magazine task.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my week spent here at Happy Creative, which has left me with a lot of experience of the work environment but I can say with full confidence, my time here has been Happy!

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My work experience at Happy Creative
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Paid Social Campaigns

Paid social media can be a brilliantly effective yet low cost form of lead generation, and it’s a great way to extend your reach, drive website traffic and generate likes and shares.

We’ll take care of setting up and managing your paid social media accounts, ensuring your spend is carefully targeted. Then we’ll provide clear, transparent reporting so you can keep refining the strategy to make your ad spend even more effective.

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Social Media

All the tweets and posts in the world won’t help generate leads unless there’s some strategic thinking behind what you’re doing.

We’ll help define the right social media strategy for you, so that you’re on the right platforms, saying the right things to the right people at the right time to generate the right leads.

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Design & Brand Building

Marketing is bit like those huge, swirling flocks of starlings you see from time to time. Individually your brochure, email, ad, meme or gif may not change the world.

But when you join them together and ensure they’re all heading in the same direction, you have the power to stop people in their tracks.

We design communications that help build a consistent brand and convert more leads to sales.

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Your website can generate leads in so many ways. Informed content. Strong calls to action. A simple, natural journey from ‘Hi there!’ to ‘Buy now’.

Yet websites are never ‘done’. They need to keep evolving to keep pace with your customers’ expectations, so we’ll be with you for the long haul to keep tweaking, refining and growing your site – and to deliver the PPC campaigns that help drive traffic towards it.

Because when your website keeps working to understand and speak to your audience, you’ve got more chance of converting.

More about Websites

PR & Content

There’s a knack to ensuring your business is seen in the right places at the right time. We’ll build your PR profile across the mix of channels that’s right for you (from press to social media to events) and use our contacts to spread the word.

So when your customers are ready to buy, it’ll be your brand they think of first.

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