Not so New Business

Born in Govan 1941, son of a ship builder, Sir Alex Ferguson will be one of the most iconic Figures in British History in 2050. More so, his achievements will never again be emulated on these shores. In 2100 the ‘Ferguson formula’ will have finally been perfected and will be rolled out across society, not just in sport.

For the anti-united brigade who are salivating at the imminent departure of Sir Alex, believing that the 20 year cycle is about to pedal back down the M62 – just take a minute to think. Manchester United has a history. A history not only forged through success on the field but through tragedy. Perversely, 6rd February 1958 had bound more future United hearts than 10 championships back-to-back could have ever done. Busby created United’s first legacy through his imaginatively, creative, gritty and outrageously gifted young guns.

Ferguson, in one respect, fortunate enough not to taste a dark day, has incredibly surpassed the great Sir Matt’s achievements. Through a devastating delivery of 11 Premierships, 2 European triumphs and 26 major trophies in all, he will grow in stature more when he eventually calls time. Furthermore, another chapter of glorious, triumphant, romantic years will end. It is at this point that the attraction, admiration and lineage will only just begin.

I have seen, listened to and trialled so many cloudy new business development techniques in the past. Coup’s theory, Sand techniques and Chambers workings are all perfect examples. All sales and marketing ideas aimed at the generation of new opportunities. The sales and marketing strategies often interweave. Companies are born out of the dedication to train other companies in the science of developing new business. Re-inventing the wheel and twisting classic theories into a more modern, trendy flavoured and lucrative catchphrase, charging a premium. You have to hand it to them – they have created their very own new business from a ‘perceived’ need or realisation that their employees lack the innovation and qualities to scoop new prospects. Whether B2B or B2C, companies discuss the merits of creating new business daily.  Every time the question is asked, there’s an opportunist out there waiting in the wings to deliver their ‘brand new’ elegantly branded sales tool. And do you know what? Blue chip, sole trader or just plain old ‘10millionsalesperannum Ltd’ will keep on listening and paying handsomely for someone else to give them a box of magic beans – every time. And in the midst of a tough climate, never is the question more prominent on lips of business leaders.

Ferguson’s secret. He understands how to nurture young minds, and cast a deep sense of personal responsibility into their thoughts. Not rocket science – just a familiar, recognised way to raise and shape any young adult. Additionally, he forms an environment which is perfect and consistent with this. He mixes into his melting-pot a spice of experience – slightly older professionals who have acquired and proven their appetite for ownership and holding responsibility not only for themselves but for a collective – a team. To all of his team he lays down some basic ideals that he pledges were passed on from his father and influenced by the environment in which he grew up as a child. The main one a collective discipline, amongst not only the team, but every single employee at Manchester United. This is not a strict third-world dictatorship, regime or enforced religious sect but a relevant, modern application of such simple values. Ferguson merely reiterates the message with pin-point accuracy at precisely the right times and with just the necessary force. This is yet again all very ludicrously obvious and straightforward. Ok – were all nodding at this point and feeling rather good that we understand and sometimes apply this ourselves. There lays the key word – sometimes. Ferguson has consistently delivered his basic principles, unrelentingly, for 25 years. He has managed all types of characters, individuals and processed 4 completely contrasting winning teams using a formula passed down 60 years ago from an unfashionable, working-class area of Glasgow. This is possibly the most outrageous symbolisation and ridiculous contrast with those numerous ‘phantom inventors’ based in and around the square mile. In our most recent decade, those trusted perpetrators of capital wealth, distastefully flaunting human greed, may have been more prudent to be unfashionably bland in their principles. Discipline and collective responsibility were a guilty, ‘so yesterday’ whisper, smothered under a wave of happening, chic boardroom catchphrases.      

In most businesses there are no doubt very talented marketing and sales people who clearly have the capability to generate new business. A second-hand car sales man actually demonstrates some of these qualities. They don’t need the latest amazon front page, ‘100 Top Selling Tips’ to raise awareness or open up a new avenue. The new business accounts team at Pharma-for-all plc do not require anything but direction and a few elementary and pure principles. On top of that, a periodic reminder of their role, responsibilities and what Ferguson mastered so damned beautifully – no one individual is bigger than the club.

In summary, have a look at your sales team. You will find you have some fantastically talented young prospects. Some great account managers. Others may be door openers. A few may be instrumental in perfecting administrative sales duties. Experienced and not so experienced. Under some principles that have been established for thousands of years, coupled with discipline and a reminder that they are collectively a team – what are you waiting for? Go and achieve! It may not happen overnight. Change will be difficult. Ferguson was one game away from his own perilous departure in 1990. Just persist. And when your superior challenges your will or lambasts any short-term struggle, keep the faith and remember Sir Alex Ferguson and his brutally simplistic, dinosaur-like ideals. If you last through to 2100, it will be so much easier as it will be the ‘great imperial governments’ default strategy for everything by then. Perhaps the only problem then is that all your competitors will be implementing this very same strategy and we will be asking, how do we differentiate ourselves now? I think we can worry about that one in 2100!

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Mike Emmett is a Director at Happy Creative, a full service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to

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