Scaling Your Business? The landscape has changed, don’t get left behind

 Posted on: 1st October 2024

With digitalisation, the race to net zero, and a volatile geopolitical landscape, we’ve seen huge shifts in economic megatrends in recent years. 

This means that if you’re a leader scaling a business, what worked before may not work going forward. You need a finger on the pulse of the market and the ability to pivot when needed.

Apply these insights for a profitable marketing strategy that’s future ready. 

Be Relatable

People buy from people. 

People whose values resonate with theirs. This is even more important in today’s crowded market. 

In 2024 the Edelman Trust Barometer found that 74% of consumers are more likely to trust someone they perceive to be ‘like’ them, above technical credentials and expertise.

So your brand needs to be relatable. 

This means both knowing your target market and showing them who you are. 

You can do this by having an online presence that reflects your values. A social media profile that speaks to what you stand for. Blogs where your brand personality shines through. Vlogs where you and your people are front and centre.

Brand Positioning

What do you want to be known for? 

As a leader of a 7-figure company, you know your unique value. Your current customers know it too. 

But, to scale through to 8 figures, you need to expand your reach. 

This means consistent cross channel marketing to ensure that your brand holds space in the minds of your target audience. So that when they’re ready to buy, you are the obvious choice.    

This also means being clear on your offering. Highlighting the benefits of your brand.

Which brings us onto Differentiation vs Distinguishing

A clear USP will differentiate you from your competitors.

But is your brand distinctive? 

Is your brand instantly recognisable?

If your goal is transformational growth then your marketing strategy needs to carve out a lasting impression in buyer’s minds. An impression that instantly associates you with the solution you provide.

A Story for Every Stakeholder

This is particularly relevant if your brand is B2B. 

Your marketing strategy needs a deep understanding of the diversity of roles, challenges, personas and goals that make up prospective buyer companies. 

With squeezed budgets, we’re seeing increasing numbers of stakeholders becoming involved in the sign off process. Your marketing needs to speak to the desires and pain points of each one, at every stage of the procurement process.

Having something useful to say will help you build connection with each stakeholder. Showing them that you understand their unique point of view and you have the solution to their problem. 

Social Proof

Now more than ever, customers are relying heavily on evidence based content when making purchasing decisions. So case studies and testimonials should be a central component of your strategy.

Case studies can increase trust and establish your brand as an authority in the market. 

But a case study is also a story. 

A story with a protagonist your target market can identify with.

With relatable tensions and pain points. 

And a satisfying conclusion that positions you as a brand with the expertise to provide the solutions your prospective buyers need. 

Have Something to Say

Your point of view in the market is something customers and prospects are interested in. This takes us back to trust, and values that resonate. 

But it isn’t just about resonance. 

When prospects are facing a challenge, they’ll be drawn to brands who have already provided valuable insights. 

This kind of thought leadership lays the groundwork for prospective buyers when they start to devise a solution to their challenges. 

A solution that includes you.

Next Steps?

In today’s market many leaders who are scaling up know the value of a marketing partner who can provide a proven strategy for transformational growth. 

Leaders who partner with RISUS™ are seeing accelerated results. 

RISUS™ is Happy’s marketing for growth model for organisations scaling through to 8 figures. A methodology with a tried and tested framework, RISUS™ achieves results in a planned and predictable way. 

It will help you keep a finger on the pulse so that your marketing strategy stays up to the minute.

If your organisation is scaling up and you want a proven framework, personalised to your business, give us a call.


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