Social Media Incentive – it worked!

So, after 12 days, 12 emails, 12 winners and countless numbers of Happy people, the Happy Christmas  Incentive came to an end!

If you’ve arrived at this blog post via the infographic that we sent out, then you’re obviously impressed with some of the statistics and results that came from the campaign that we ran in December.

Or, you may be one of those lovely people who have just come for a look at our blog because you like the things the Happy bunch write about and it’s a way of brightening your Friday!

Either way, we’re glad you’re here, and welcome to our latest blog. This post is a bit of a blow on our own trumpet as we’re showcasing the outcomes of each individual day’s task and winner, as well as the overall results – all of which we and our Happy friends are very chuffed about!

We may as well do this in order (and it means we get to go first!).

Day 1 – Sponsored by Happy Creative

A whopping 700% increase in our daily blog hits! This has also meant a 400% increase in our month on month stats, and you lovely people are helping our blog stats grow on a daily basis – what a great response!

Congratulations to Gary Sheader as well for winning our scrummy hamper!

Day 2 – Sponsored by Napthens

Napthens Twitter account received a record amount of new followers on the day of their task, and it has continued to grow since! So far they’ve grown by over 25% which is brill!

Congratulations to Chris Allen who won the theatre vouchers and thanks again to Napthens for their support in the incentive.

Day 3 – Sponsored by Ridings & Faye

Facebook was the platform of choice for Ridings & Faye, and you didn’t disappoint! Their ‘likes’ have nearly trebled as a result of sponsoring Day 3. Excellent news!

Congratulations to Joanna Marshall for winning the beautiful kids’ scooter and thanks again to Ridings & Faye for getting involved.

Day 4 – Sponsored by Speed Medical

Back to Twitter for Speed, as they had only just set up an account knowing the benefits of having a larger social media presence. It was a good plan in the end, as we helped increase their followers by over a third, and it’s continuing to grow. Maybe even with a cheeky direct enquiry coming from it…!

Congratulations to the wonderful Danielle at Love to Brand who very kindly donated her prize to a chosen childrens’ charity. What a lovely gesture. Thanks also so Speed Medical for being great sports and helping out.

Day 5 – Sponsored by Wyre Cycles

Another Facebook day for Day 5. Wyre Cycles only had a small number of followers before Happy came along and invited them to take part in the Christmas Incentive, and it didn’t fail! Nearly double the amount of followers since that day – wow!

Congratulations to Michael Donkin as well for winning the cycle service. Wyre Cycles, you’re good sports for being part of it as well, so thank you!

Day 6 – Sponsored by Meadow Jewellery

Facebook proved a popular platform for Happy clients! And Meadow Jewellery was no exception. Well over 100% increase in followers and growing – you can’t argue with that!

Congratulations to Sarah Greatorex for winning the beautiful pendant, and thanks again to Meadow for supplying it and taking part.

Day 7 – Sponsored by Happy Sweet Shop

A slight change in direction for Happy Sweet Shop, but still just as effective! Day 7 was aimed at website traffic, and again, it proved the right choice. A record day and month for website visitors, and a couple of direct sales proves that it worked. What a brilliant result!

Congratulations to the lovely Maria Franchetti for winning the huge sweet hamper and thanks to Happy Sweet Shop for helping out. Great prize and great task – everyone’s Happy!

Day 8 – Sponsored by Beyond Big Bones

Even though the lovely Helen has a very niche business, you happy people still helped out an a huge way by growing the Beyond Big Bones Facebook likes! It just goes to show, how effective Social Media can be – and luckily the winner of this day’s task was also in the healthcare profession, so a collaboration could be on the cards…? It’s like blind date for marketing!

Congratulations to Jay at Whitworth for winning the healthy living consultation with Helen and thanks again to Beyond Big Bones for taking part – such a unique and helpful prize!

Day 9 – Sponsored by North’n Exposure

A slight change again for Day 9 as North’n Exposure asked you to visit their website and sign up to their newsletter. You obviously were still very much involved in the whole incentive, as you helped to increase their subscriptions by over a third which they’re over the moon with!

Congratulations to Mary Long for winning the super canal boat cruise and thanks to North’n Exposure for taking part – hope you’re as Happy as we are!?

Day 10 – Sponsored by CL Edwards & Sons

Another web traffic task today and what a response! We helped to increase the daily hits to CL Edwards by a huge 650% and it’s been steadily growing ever since! Happy Russ and Happy Karen are actually meeting Craig from CL Edwards next week to discuss some digital work following the incentive, so we’re all very excited about that!

Congratulations to super Dan from Speed Medical who won the amazing pendant as well. We’re sure Mrs Super Dan had a very Happy Christmas!? Thanks also to CL Edwards and Sons for taking part and supplying such a beautiful prize.


Day 11 – Sponsored by Whitworth Pharmacy

Web traffic proved to be another popular choice and with the new Whitworth website going live the week before, it seemed like the perfect choice! And it was…! With very little traffic to compare it to, Happy have helped raise the awareness of the new site and grown the traffic steadily since the launch date. You also increased Whitworth’s Social Media followers by directly linking through from the site to their Twitter and Facebook pages!

Congratulations to Matt Back who won the John Lewis vouchers – bet they came in handy over the Christmas period?! Thanks also to Whitworth for taking part – we’re also talking Social Media with the Whitworth team, so keep your eyes peeled for The Whitties in the digital world!

Day 12 – Sponsored by Dodson & Horrell

The final day was rounded off by one of our newest clients, Dodson & Horrell, and they also requested we help grow their website traffic. As per the infographic, we didn’t disappoint as the stats prove. Well over 200% increase in both daily and monthly visitors the site, as well as increased followers on Twitter and Facebook as a direct result. Happy times!

Congratulations to Lisa at Exova for winning the doggy goodie bag – Lisa’s got a little dog, so he’ll be Happy! Thanks to Dodson & Horrell for sponsoring the final day of the competition – what great sports!

And that’s it – you can’t argue with those stats can you?!

We’d just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who took part and helped out in the Happy Christmas Incentive. We’re really Happy that we’ve helped our good friends increase their online presence, as well as generating some direct enquiries, sales and even some working relationships out of it! It has worked out miles better than what we could have hoped for, so thank you again.

We hope you enjoyed the incentive, and we hope that it helped raise the profile of digital marketing. If you think you’d like some help to raise your business’ online presence, please feel free to give Happy Simon a shout

Simon Brooke is a Director at Happy Creative, a full service marketing agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact Simon, please email , Tweet @happy_creative or call 01253 446933.

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Paid Social Campaigns

Paid social media can be a brilliantly effective yet low cost form of lead generation, and it’s a great way to extend your reach, drive website traffic and generate likes and shares.

We’ll take care of setting up and managing your paid social media accounts, ensuring your spend is carefully targeted. Then we’ll provide clear, transparent reporting so you can keep refining the strategy to make your ad spend even more effective.

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Social Media

All the tweets and posts in the world won’t help generate leads unless there’s some strategic thinking behind what you’re doing.

We’ll help define the right social media strategy for you, so that you’re on the right platforms, saying the right things to the right people at the right time to generate the right leads.

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Design & Brand Building

Marketing is bit like those huge, swirling flocks of starlings you see from time to time. Individually your brochure, email, ad, meme or gif may not change the world.

But when you join them together and ensure they’re all heading in the same direction, you have the power to stop people in their tracks.

We design communications that help build a consistent brand and convert more leads to sales.

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Your website can generate leads in so many ways. Informed content. Strong calls to action. A simple, natural journey from ‘Hi there!’ to ‘Buy now’.

Yet websites are never ‘done’. They need to keep evolving to keep pace with your customers’ expectations, so we’ll be with you for the long haul to keep tweaking, refining and growing your site – and to deliver the PPC campaigns that help drive traffic towards it.

Because when your website keeps working to understand and speak to your audience, you’ve got more chance of converting.

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PR & Content

There’s a knack to ensuring your business is seen in the right places at the right time. We’ll build your PR profile across the mix of channels that’s right for you (from press to social media to events) and use our contacts to spread the word.

So when your customers are ready to buy, it’ll be your brand they think of first.

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