A dash of Happy helps apprentices rise to the challenge

Curried cod, forages soup and a take on the famous Double Decker…

These are the tasty treats being served by apprentice chefs from Northcote in Lancashire over the next few months.
From the stainless steel backdrop of a busy kitchen Happy were contacted by an enterprising group of apprentices to help with their marketing for A Taste of the Future events at Blackburn’s majestic cathedral between at dates in March, April and May.

With our love of food and a passion to support young people, we took up the culinary challenge fitting of such a stunning venue.

The project is entirely apprentice-led, the brainchild of Michelin-starred chef Nigel Howarth. Giving the apprentices the insight and experience of running a kitchen and restaurant, by organising, managing and delivering the series of events themselves. As a starting point each group had to come up with a five-course meal from scratch to serve to paying punters.

Away from the pass, Happy has been helping the apprentices with blogs, social media activity and spreading the word about the event.

Speaking ahead of the launch, Nigel said: “The apprentices have really embraced the challenges, each one has a particular skill and have faced up to everything that has been thrown at them. It’s quite a daunting task to be faced with; source and prepare a five-course meal based on classic county dishes. They have to do everything from scratch.
“But if they want to thrive in this industry then this is the sort of test they will have to live with.

“It’s interesting how they have developed their dishes and have responded to the task because this is really a side project, they still have to do the regular side of their jobs.

“They are eating, breathing and living with the responsibility of what it takes to be a great chef, I am proud of every one of them.”

Karen Lambert, managing director of Happy Creative, said: “We were impressed by the initiative shown by the apprentices in getting in touch and we are delighted to help.

Lancashire prides itself on its culinary offering and dishes which are inspired by its produce. To see these young chefs delivering these exciting menus really does give us a taste of what the future holds.”

Help support the chefs of the future by booking your place at A Taste of the Future at Café Northcote, Blackburn Cathedral. Call 01254 260520 or visit www.cafenorthcote.com/events/a-taste-of-the-future


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