What does it take to be a Happy account manager?

Happy Creative Blackpool Lancashire Logo June 2015 Happy Creative, Blackpool based agency are recruiting an experienced Account Manager for their successful marketing agency in Lancashire: Strategy, digital,

Happy’s growing. Again. If you’re thinking of applying to become our latest account manager, here are a few pointers that might help clarify what becoming part of Happy entails. You never know, they might help win you the job…
I am an account manager. I haven’t always been an account manager with Happy, though, and what I’ve discovered is that the role is like one big rubber band. Depending on the organisation you’re working for, that rubber band gets stretched, twisted or bent out of shape to include tasks it probably wouldn’t include elsewhere.
Actually, I’ve always thought that’s a good thing, because topping the list of my favourite things about being a Happy account manager is that you really, really, really never know what you’re going to be doing from one week to the next. But it’s always challenging. It’s usually fun. And it usually looks something like this:

Managing accounts
Duh. Of course being an account manager includes managing accounts, but that doesn’t happen by sitting at your desk shuffling spreadsheets. It happens by talking to your clients, making sure they’re happy with what you’re doing, controlling budgets, billing and payments, and looking for opportunities to expand relationships and business.

Managing meetings
Happy’s a North West strategic marketing and branding agency. We’re a team of 11, smaller than some you’ll find in major cities, but considerably bigger than most provincial agencies. We’re in a kind of Goldilocks zone, big enough to tackle big agency work, small enough to mean we have to multi-task.
For me (and you, should you become our next account manager) that means playing your part in pitching, creative discussions, supplier briefings and client presentations. You’ll be in on all the meetings that matter. Often you’ll be leading them.

Knowing your stuff
You’re the main point of contact with the client. More than anyone, you understand what really matters to them – and that means diving into their business and knowing it inside out. Because when anyone in the agency needs to know something about it, it’s you they’ll ask.

Be organised
It’s not just about knowing where you have to be and what you’ll need when you get there. It’s about ensuring that when you’re away visiting a client in the Lake District (always a good trip) the rest of your clients’ projects keep running smoothly.

Be creative
There’s no big dividing line between creatives and everyone else at Happy. You’re part of the creative mix. Your ideas count as much as anyone else’s. And wearing the account manager hat really helps to ensure that the creative sticks to the brief and delivers results.

Be Happy
I know every organisation talks about ‘living its values’. But when you’re called ‘Happy Creative’ you’re setting expectations perilously high.
But you know what? This is a happy place to be. Good people, bags of energy, bags of creativity and a team that really pulls together. If you’re a world-weary cynic, either park it at the door or don’t apply. But if you want to make a difference – and enjoy doing it – come on in.

Want to be a Happy account manager?

Morag Dumbarton is a Creative Thinker and Happy Manager at Happy Creative, a full service marketing agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to www.happy-creative.co.uk or follow us @happy_creative.

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