5 benefits of outsourcing
your marketing

John Filmer
John Filmer

A Happy Account Manager


e find that many companies we speak to struggle with a number of things when it comes to their marketing, whether it’s lack of internal resource, tight budgets, over-stretched team members or limited experience.

At some point you need to ask yourself, should I appoint in-house or outsource.

Recruiting in-house can be time-consuming, costly and stressful. Whereas outsourcing your marketing can be a refreshing and surprisingly cost-effective option.

If you’re unsure about which route to take, have a read of these 5 reasons outsourcing your marketing could be right for you:


1. You get a multi-talented marketing team, for the price of one Marketing Director

10 for the price of 1, who can argue with those numbers!?

We’ve heard businesses say they can recruit in-house for the same price as outsourcing, which is true. But good luck trying to find a Marketing Director who is a strategist, designer, PR and social media whizz, animator, web developer who fits in with your brand values and joins in the brew run! The key benefit to outsourced marketing is having access to multiple key skills as and when you need them. When you partner with Happy Creative for your marketing, you don’t get just one person – you get the whole team, with our collective skills and experience. They say two heads are better than one…well how about 10 heads!


2. We let you do what you do best

Whether you’re a business owner trying to keep tabs on your marketing whilst juggling everything else, or a Sales & Marketing Director who is stretched to the limits, we understand what it can be like. Late nights, rushed decisions, delayed projects making impossible deadlines an everyday occurrence – perhaps it’s time to alleviate some of that pressure.

Don’t compromise on quality and reputation; let someone else focus on the delivery so you can do what you do best. Invest your time and energy in the areas where you already excel while trusting marketing experts to translate your goals and ideas into sound strategies.


3. Get out of that rut

If you’re struggling for inspiration for that next marketing campaign, or you’ve got into the habit of churning out the same strategy year in year out or you’ve become blind to what’s exciting in your business, it’s probably time for a fresh perspective.

Outsourcing to a trusted partner will bring valuable insight to your business. Fresh eyes and broad marketing experience, across different industries, can open up new marketing channels you may never have thought of before. Best-practice and cutting-edge strategies can be applied to your business to give you the results you’ve been looking for.


4. Allows you to be responsive and flexible

The world is moving at an incredible pace, technology is ever changing, and the industries we find ourselves in are constantly reinventing themselves. In order to keep up, we all need to have a rapid response rate. So when that tight deadline arises, do you have the resource to turn it around?

An outsourced marketing agency can relieve that stress, allowing you to pass on your headache to a larger team with experience to deliver exceptional outputs within your time frame.


5. Your marketing isn’t getting you the right results

We all know that results are key. If the work you’re doing isn’t bringing in the ROI, enquiries, clicks or engagement that you need, something’s got to change. You can’t afford to spend money without tangible results.

The difference between keeping things in-house versus outsourcing your marketing is that there’s often less pressure to deliver quantifiable results internally. Outsourced marketing agencies live and die by results. Targets, deadlines and KPIs will drive an agency to deliver, and allow the freedom to be able to change tact if strategies are under performing.


If you think outsourcing some or all of your marketing could be for you, then get in touch for a free consultation and see how we can make you happy!

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