Take a peek through the Happy Periscope

It’s been almost a year since social media giants Twitter acquired a live streaming app that at the time was still being developed. They clearly saw potential in the technology, with rumours of the purchase being between $75 – 100 million.

Launching a few months later, in March 2015 the world was introduced to Periscope.

“Explore the world through someone else’s eyes”

You can be sat at home with a brew and looking out at surfers from Bondi Beach, or eating chocolate cake whilst watching a bunch of people work out at the gym (that’s the same as being there right?).

Having hit one million users in its first 10 days, and now well over 10 million accounts, the possibilities of what you can see are truly endless. Although Periscope’s primary use is through the app, you can now view it through Twitter – however this is just a stream, with no user interaction, so if you can get the app – do.

So here’s what you need to know…

Titles are everything!

Before you start a broadcast you are asked to type in ‘What are you seeing right now?’ Like an email subject line, this title lets the user know what to expect and will be the reason they view or not.

Periscope is all about engagement

Don’t ignore your viewers; greet them as they arrive. Viewers can type messages, so ask them questions, and answer theirs too.

Broadcasts are saved

For up to 24 hours after your broadcast it can be replayed, unless you choose to delete it.


Giving hearts is essentially the same as ‘liking’ a post on Twitter. If you tap the screen little coloured hearts float up the side of the screen – this lets the user know you like what you’re seeing / hearing. They measure popularity. Unlike Twitter though, you can reward the Broadcaster with lots of hearts – almost like applause, so hammer that screen and show them some love!

Give it a go!

Scoping is easy – so why not give it a try yourself

Fun Periscope Facts:

  • People are watching 40 years-worth of live video every day
  • 350,000 hours of video is streamed daily
  • Periscope is available in 25 languages

Follow us @Happy_Creative on Twitter and Periscope for details of our next broadcast, Brew and a Biscuit! 

For more of our blogs on social media, click here.

John Filmer is an Account Manager and creative thinker at Happy Creative, a strategic marketing and branding agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to www.happy-creative.co.uk

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