Business Presence in a Virtual World

According to Google (2013), two hundred and twenty thousand British businesses are online; and the number is growing every day. Although not seen as a traditional method of marketing, businesses of all sizes are increasingly aware of the importance of their online presence.

As new technologies emerge, business owners realise just what it takes to stay relevant in increasingly highly competitive markets:

  • Your Website – online storefront and the conveyor of the business’s brand and message to the world.
  • Social Media – excellent in terms of relationship building and expanding business networks; increasingly used to promote business’s web presence and overall brand.
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – or the predominance on search engine results pages. Since Google’s search algorithm takes into account many factors, including relevant content and popularity, website’s ranking on Google is a strong factor in generating business.
  • Online Advertising – generally aimed at encouraging a certain action from the recipient of the message; available in many different forms; applied to increase businesses web presence.

These things take commitment to maintain; in many cases businesses do not understand how important this investment could be; having a dedicated person, or even team, that can be constantly working on your website, providing excellent content that is not repetitive to your audience and build a direct relationship and interaction with both customers and readers.

Successful online business promotion involves the right use of marketing strategies.

Moreover, it is crucial to appear in an online environment in the most appropriate way. The message must be relevant, timely and interesting to existing and prospective customers. Creating a professional and functional website for your establishment, to strategically place your organization on the Internet will make your business able to go global, stand out and compete internationally in your industry.

With a website, your company’s products will be promoted online regularly and portray an influential corporate image.

Regardless of your investment, a website remains an affordable, reliable and versatile means to advertise your company and contact your prospects. Your competitors are getting online and you cannot afford to be left out.

In summary a well designed and maintained website can:

• increase sales and services
• reach broader audience of new clients globally
• allow global e-commerce transactions
• make advertisement more efficient
• expand the range of your products/services you can offer
• portray the image of your corporate organisation to the world
• target the right customers for your business

With a website you are sure of making a huge business success. At Happy Creative we offer a free website consultation to ensure you are making the most of your web presence.  So, be part of the winning race today and tap into new markets.

Damian Budny is a Creative Thinker and Web Developer at Happy Creative, a full service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to


N/A, (2013), How-To-Start-An-Online-Business-Step-By-Step-1. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 20 August 13].

Google (2013) “220,000 British businesses are online.” [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 August 13]

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Design & Brand Building

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