37 questions to ask to get the most
from your marketing in 2020

Louise Clarke
Louise Clarke

Digital Content Manager

When it comes to your customers, asking the right questions is far more important than having the right answers. Jumping straight into solutions or assuming we know what the solution is often leads to ideas that have already been suggested. In order to tailor a marketing solution to your business, particularly in the current climate, we need to tailor our questions in the same way.

Sometimes the right questions can be difficult and we don’t always get the answers we want. Author Warren Berger talks about ‘perfect questions’ and calls them the ‘beautiful questions’. He defines them as “actionable questions that can begin to shift the way we perceive or think about something that can serve as a catalyst for change”. These often begin with ‘what, ‘how’ and ‘why’. Questions that challenge us to develop our ideas in a constructive way.

Here are some suggested questions to be asking right now about customers, branding, adapting, and the future.


Questions about branding

  1. Who is your ideal customer? This may change post lockdown and during recovery
  2. How is your brand being perceived right now?
  3. How are you upholding your brand values at this time?
  4. What words would your audience use to describe you at this time?
  5. What problem are you solving? Why should people care?
  6. How do you make your clients feel?
  7. How are you different?
  8. What’s your story?
  9. What does your brand voice sound like? How aligned is it?
  10. What kind of personality does your brand have?

Marketing questions about your customers

  1. What’s changed for your customer?
  2. What are their major challenges right now?
  3. What are customers focussed on at the moment?
  4. How are your individual customer segments differing from each other?
  5. How strong are customer relationships right now?
  6. What do customers need help with?
  7. What, if anything, would make them stop doing business with you?
  8. How can you make your customer’s life easier?
  9. What problems can you solve for them?
  10. What are customers telling you – directly and indirectly with their behaviours?

Marketing questions about the future

  1. What gaps have you identified in Lockdown?
  2. What should your response be to those gaps?
  3. What are your revised goals for the remainder of 2020?
  4. How strong is your pipeline? How long will that continue?
  5. How will you add to your pipeline?
  6. What small thing can you do today that will support your future success?
  7. When will you amplify your marketing activity (if you haven’t already)?
  8. How do you need to adjust your lead generation for recovery and beyond?
  9. What have you noticed about your competitor activity recently?
  10. How do you plan to re-engage and excite customers about your offer?
  11. How will you know you are doing the right things?

Marketing questions about adapting

  1. What opportunities are presenting themselves?
  2. How relevant is your strategy currently? What refinements should you make, if any?
  3. How are you being creative in these times?
  4. What innovations have you considered?
  5. What new product/services are you considering that you can easily implement to meet demand?
  6. What if? The market is shifting. There’s an opportunity to dream. Imagine your what ifs…

These questions are designed to prompt thinking for your marketing, we hope you find them useful, even if the answers confirm that you are already taking the right path.

Never underestimate the value of good questions. It’s how we build effective marketing plans that help our clients raise their visibility, build their brand, attract customers and ultimately succeed.

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Louise Clarke is a Happy Content Manager, designer and illustrator. She is an author of kid’s books, and joined Happy in 2016.



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