5 Brand New Year’s Resolutions

We all make new year resolutions at this time of year. Some we keep, some we….. ermm, don’t. But in the spirit of 2013, the new year is an opportunity to change, to reinvent your brand.

From a happy designer perspective, here’s five resolutions that should improve your brand presence.

1) I’ll have a salad…

Look at how your company’s brand is seen on and offline. Is it looking a little bloated? Struggling to communicate its intended messages? Then perform a design and messaging health check and devise measures to make it leaner, fitter and able to communicate your message more effectively. Fonts, colours, layouts, themes, make sure that they are consistent. Look through all your touch points and ask yourself if they are doing an effective service or just making up the numbers. Making your brand a little healthier has many health benefits and customers may remark that you’ve changed, that you look good.

2) I’m going to run 500 miles…

We all want to be fitter. Are your brand messages easy to find? Do users have the strength to find them? Spend some time reducing the amount of information that people have to read. ‘Keep it simple’ is a design principle that will never change and is very important in these days of mixed media to keep up to date with. Look at your brand with fresh eyes and identify the areas it needs to improve. Keep your USP’s precise and utilise positioning and space to make them impactful and relevant.

3) Keep in touch more….

In a market of likes, tweets and everything is delicious, the people that we keep in touch with regularly extends beyond your business, family and friends to potentially everyone with access to the internet. Put in place a social media strategy for the year, so that regular posts and tweets are appreciated by current contacts and new potentially interesting people. Social media channels provide unique ways to communicate with customers in an individual way and create brand ambassadors who can provide positive messaging to new markets. Using these channels in new, different ways disrupts how people receive information and gains their attention.

4) I accept your challenge…

Safe options have their place, but challenge the way that you think, the way your brand operates. Can it change? Or is it just accepted that the brand has always looked, acted this way and will always be that way? The market place as we all know is very different and challenges are made from many different sources. Try not to always accept the safe idea or the tried and trusted path. Pushing through creative ideas that are ‘a bit out there’ may be daunting, however it’s these types of ideas that may position your  brand in a more favourable light with potential customers over ‘safer’ competitors.

5) I love it when a plan comes together… 

You need to know where you are going before you can plan where you’re going. The design equivalent of forgetting your shorts on a summer holiday is designing something and forgetting to add any calls to action. Both make you feel a little sheepish. Plans, provide momentum, actioning this plan means that you have achievable milestones to reach your destination. Look at your objectives and plan what you need and who you need to achieve your goal. Plans made early and with your suppliers ensure that everyone knows what happens and no one gets left behind.

So there you have it… 5 great new year’s resolutions for your business for this brand new year. I wish you the very best of luck and don’t forget that if you get stuck at any stage, Happy is always here to help.

James Chantler is Creative Director at Happy Creative, a full service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to www.happy-creative.co.uk

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