Hello my name is Declan Tate and I am currently on a work experience placement at Happy Creative. My interest in graphics started in Year 7 at my secondary school and was amazed at some of the roads graphics can lead to. When Year 10 was approaching, I was given my options sheet for my GCSE’s. I saw graphics on the available slots and picked it instantly, along with media, French and ICT.
I have just finished Year 10 and I am half way through my graphics GCSE project which is, (to my enjoyment) Peter Pan movie marketing. This involves me designing and creating posters, point of sale stands, cinema tickets, and a smart material piece of merchandise. I must admit picking graphics was one of the best decisions I have made and has made me much happier at school.
I love graphics as it is much more fun than a maths lesson and is something I am really interested in. In graphics there is much more to do and create than in a normal, boring lesson. In the future I hope to obtain all of my GCSE grades and progress on to college. My dream job would be to design merchandise for a movie or a company, which is the reason why I also picked media studies and French for GCSE.
This week at Happy Creative I have been given lots of small projects to do. One of which was to design a logo, cd cover, tour poster and clothing for my friend’s band. The other project was for me to learn how to use illustrator, so that I could trace my favourite comic book heroes and also make a movie poster for The Dark Knight Rises. I have really enjoyed working on these projects as they revolve around the things that make me happy and that is what Happy Creative is all about.
After 5 days at Happy Creative, I can say that I have learnt so many new skills and techniques that I did not have before. I am so glad that I got the chance to work at Happy Creative for my work experience because the activities are fun, the atmosphere is always filled with jokes (*cough* mike) and the people are always friendly.
Declan Tate has just completed his work placement at Happy Creative. He is 15 years old, happy and is very creative indeed. Good start, Declan!