A pitching guide for anybody and everybody

How many people are really good at their sales pitch?

Most people (in business or any walk of life) can’t deliver a monologue. This might seem like a superfluous observation, like pointing out that designers aren’t all great ‘pencil drawers,’ but being able to write and perform a decent monologue are incredibly useful for a great sales pitch.  

So how do you craft a good business monologue? How do you add punch to your pitch? Like any other craft, follow the directions and practice, practice, practice.

1. Reduce your pitch down to its essence – the BIG differentiator

This is the main idea, the proposition.  For instance, “Our unique, dodecahedron packaging will be the standard in five years, so introduce it to your portfolio now.” Your proposition itself should have drive, focus  and be dynamic.

It should have a complexity in that it’s more than just “Purchase my product please.” But it should also be simple, clean and obvious, to help you focus your pitch.

2. Outline, outline, outline

Ask yourself, what are the few core ideas I want to illustrate? Write those down. One common tactic is to first write the beat—the most important points you want to get across.

You can then move the ideas around and get a sense of how your pitch will flow. After the outline is organized, write down the order.

3. Get your pitch on paper, in one draft if possible

This is the first draft, and it will flow best if you get it down in as few sittings as possible and write what is essentially your script. Use your sheet to guide you through this process.

4. Have someone ‘constructively critisise’ your pitch

Getting positive, constructive feedback from trusted colleagues is essential. Ask the person giving the notes: Does anything sound off-target with my pitch? Is it too long? Is it too short? Would you ever buy anything from me? Ask them to be critical.

5. Take the notes, edit and polish

Polishing the pitch is the last step before you start practicing the performance. You don’t have to follow every suggestion from your critics, but pay attention to patterns. If every person who read your pitch thought one section seemed long, it’s probably best to cut it down.

6. Read the pitch aloud to see how it sounds

After your pitch is written to your liking, start working on the delivery.

Read the pitch aloud. It doesn’t hurt to do this a little during Step 2, but here is when you really start practicing the performance. Get a feel for the rhythm of your pitch.

7. Record yourself performing the pitch

Record yourself pitching. Try to convince the camera to buy your packaging. It’s ridiculous, I know, but so is pitching. So, get as good as you can at doing it. Watch your performance, and note how you look and sound to others.

8. Perform your pitch for someone

It’s time to put it out there and pitch. Performing for another person and noting reactions is useful. What areas spike their interest? What makes them start to nod off? Take notes on how people react to your pitch, and adjust accordingly.

9. Anticipate questions

There is a useful pitching preparation technique. Play devil’s advocate. Have a friend or colleague pretend to be your own negative client. Do they poke big holes in your pitch? Prepare responses in line with your proposition.

10. Go off book

When you know your pitch inside and out, go off book. You know the essence, and you know the questions to anticipate. You know the rhythm so it sounds right. You know it’s going to work.

Now there is a wee secret ingredient that so many people forget or just can’t realize in a pitch situation. If you can achieve Number 11, you will engage and inspire the customer on a plane that your competitors won’t or can’t.

11. Be yourself, be strong, be committed, be passionate, be flamboyant, be a purveyor of your product and brand!

It doesn’t matter what industry, level, intensity, importance the scenario – you have to express your sheer belief and passion for your product. Not in a fake way. This will become transparent if you do.

Go out there and pitch your heart out – make the most unbelievable lasting impression and engage beautifully!

Mike Emmett is a Director at Happy Creative, a full service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to www.happy-creative.co.uk


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