It’s Monday morning, Autumn leaves on the line dictate that Costa’s sophistication now belongs to Biffa and guess what, the monthly industry journal has your competitor’s latest product campaign splashed over the front cover…..and it’s blo*dy brilliant!!
OK……your luck will change if you make it so. Let’s start again.
‘’Good morning Jane!’’ (in the most cheerful tone available). ‘’Morning Clive’’ (slightly less so – which is more than Mr Rogers would ever expect). Grab a ‘Crista Coffee’ Super Latte Columbian Special Plus’ from the machine, no sugar left and the milk looks very…er….hydrated.
Computer sings it’s ‘Windows’ melody and we’re in! The day begins.
Mrs Biggins, 63, has served at Jennings and Co for no less than 39 years. An asset, carved from the biggest loyalty stone in Cambridgeshire.
‘’Your post is on your desk, David. Your 9:30 has been pushed to 10 and Mr Zalanski has e-mailed their proposal. I have finished the draft copy for BDH and we need to start looking at the contract particulars for Sam. David……please can you sign off the budgets for the next quarter – we need to get ahead.’’
‘’Thank you Margaret.’’
Sound familiar? A day we all relate to……..Monday.
So, amidst the stressful, fast-paced start, coupled to the week’s volume of work concentrated into Monday morning, what is your mindset when you sift through the post? Agitated? Removed? Pressing? What it isn’t focused upon prioritising is Dumbbulbugs Creative’s latest direct mail – an A5 flyer (franked without envelope) showcasing their latest success – in a blobby, New Age design style, with a yellow elephant shouting from the page! Another forgettable DM brushed Biffa’s way along with all the other tedious, unremarkable, distinctly ordinary junk mail.
I don’t know who you are?
I don’t know of your company?
I don’t know your company’s product?
I don’t know what your company stands for?
I don’t know your company’s record?
I don’t know your company’s reputation?
Now……what was it you wanted to sell me?
Now you are probably smiling and nodding at the regularity with which this situation arises. Have you ever thought that there is another face to this story. Can you hand on heart say that the last direct mail you (your team) commissioned had impact? How do you expect your sales team to follow up credibly with any authority, when your initial touch point had such minimum impact?
The direct mail can be an explosive introduction to your latest product, cross-selling, or even a reminder of what you do best. Why compromise? It is your responsibility to deliver a campaign that facilitates enough curiosity in order that a follow-up presentation/call can be received with an amount of anticipation.
Happy Creative specialise in anything but ordinary campaignable direct mail pieces, that are proven to unlock the doors of global industrial/publishing/food/travel/automotive/financial institutions. We create memorable publications, no more lasting than ‘The Happy Client’. Curious? Just email me and ask for a copy. I guarantee it’ll make you smile (and remember us too!).
Mike Emmett is a Director at Happy Creative, a full service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to