To B or not to B

Graphic Retro Letters set Typography : the psychology of typeface. Aesthetic text, Cognitive science and the emotional art of fonts.

The choice of a typography within a design is not just a personal choice or one that you follow due to guidelines. A designer will choose a typeface based on how that typeface conveys information. Is it readable is it legible? Is it appropriate for the design and just as importantly – what emotional  response do you want the respondent to have. Emotional response influences the way that you make decisions, solve problems, understand risk and process information.

Microsoft Researchers, Kevin Larson and Rosalind Picard, produced a report to highlight the benefits of good typography called the Aesthetics of Reading.

The report concludes that good typography induces a good mood. Participants were asked to read text with either good or poor typography. The participants who received the good typography performed better on certain cognitive tasks.

Typography as a design element requires careful consideration and the info-graphic below shows how the same two words can provoke a different emotional response for the respondent. Our cultural and personal feelings will dictate the typeface that we feel most comfortable with. Are you comfortable with the often derided comic sans but like it’s approachability and friendliness or do you require a typeface that is strong, responsible and in a recent study was voted as the typeface that is the most trustworthy…drum roll… Baskerville. This should make us think and understand the power of good typography that is appropriate to the design and it’s audience.


James Chantler is a creative thinker and Creative Director at Happy Creative, a full service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to


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