Brand reinvention

2014 has arrived and with it many of us set about making New Year resolutions with the aim to change our lifestyles. I am no exception, year after year making resolutions and most often failing to stick to them. However, for some reason I feel more motivated this year, (I will let you know in December how I have got on) possibly because I make the same ones every year and then become annoyed with myself for failing. This year I have 4 resolutions (some easier than others), there is the old time classic of maintaining a healthy lifestyle (the hardest one!), becoming more organised in all aspects of my life (organised life = happy life), partaking in activities that I wouldn’t normally do (so far I have booked myself into a spa for a day) and finally setting some time aside each week for ‘me’ time (I feel this will be the easiest to stick to).

Whilst we as humans feel the need to reinvent ourselves and change our ways in the new year so can your business and brand. Throughout the ages, many brands have recognised the need for change in order to keep up with competitors and adapt to changing customer lifestyles. Once over Apple only appealed to wealthy ‘tech-geeks’ and designers with their impressive software and high prices but now people from all walks of life can buy into the Apple brand.
Think about your brand as it stands now. Are you connected with your customers, do you know what they need? Are you fulfilling this need? Are you aware of changes in the market and are you adapting to these changes?

If you feel the time has come to reinvent your brand then consider the following:

1. Changing your brand’s name, logo or tagline is not reinvention, that is simply a mask and behind the mask you are the same company. Creating a new logo is fine as long as the brand purpose and values back it up.
2. Acknowledge that the market has changed and will continue to change. Ignoring change will never end well.
3. Rethink your customer needs – are you appealing to and targeting the right people?
4. Consider new avenues for growth – Virgin are no longer seen as just a music store.
5. Analyse your current situation. Research, research, research – both internally and externally.
6. Revise your mission statement and brand values as they may not currently balance with where your business is right now and where you want to be.

Think it’s time to reinvent your brand? Happy Creative can help you make the best start to 2014!

Rachel Sutton is a Digital Marketing Executive at Happy Creative, a full service marketing agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to or follow us @happy_creative.

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