Content Marketing: 7 ways it supports business growth

Louise Clarke
Louise Clarke

Digital Content Manager

Posted on: 8th Jun. 2022

Content marketing is one of the most effective methods of growing audience engagement, developing your brands presence, and driving sales which is why content marketing and the growth of your business go together like tea and biscuits.

But what is it, and why is it so important? Happy’s Digital Content Manager, Louise Clarke, inspired over a brew and biccies, explains...

Content marketing is important because it answers your audience’s questions and helps you strengthen your brand, build trust, develop relationships, improve conversions and generate leads.

Sharing online material such as blogs, videos, news, social media posts, animations, and gifs can help you build your business in a unique way.

1. Why businesses go (Ginger) Nuts for it

Quality content has the ability to create positive experiences for visitors and keep them dunking for more. Capturing your audience’s attention, reinforcing your message and leaving them with a positive brand impression will help visitors return.

Brand awareness is more than publishing content on social media and hoping users see it and take notice. Doing your market research, keyword research, competitor analysis, and using your website analytics will help you plan your content strategy better. Your aim is to reach the right users with the right content at the right time – keeping your brand at the top of their mind.
2. It’s always nice to share

Write about topics your customers are interested in. Your customers are more inclined to trust you if you are seen as an industry expert and you’re offering relevant advice. Your content should demonstrate your knowledge and skills and provide your customers with the answers to their questions and help solve their problems.

The more quality content customers see, the more likely they will have a positive association with your company. The content you post influences conversions; it helps your audience connect with you and gives them the information needed to make educated buying decisions.
3. Remember the cookies

Search engines, such as Google and Bing, scan your website, so the words you use will determine how it ranks in their results pages. Absolutely your website should be well-designed, with a great user interface and user journey, but without quality, well-written content including keywords, your site won’t be getting the best results in the search engine rankings. The more consistent, high-quality content you produce, the better it'll be for SEO and your online authority.

4. It’s a Social Club

Increasing your social media followers is great, keeping them interested is another matter. If your business doesn't see much traction despite having plenty of followers, it’s probably time to use content marketing to your advantage. After all, you have a captive audience already. Fresh, high-quality content can help your business increase traction on social media. It gets your brand seen and shared. Social Media Today reports that more people navigate to websites by clicking on links they find on social media than links in search engines.

5. Something to Digest-ive

When your audience views your content regularly, they're more likely to remember you and purchase from you if not today, in the future. Remember your CTAs (call-to-action). Having a CTA in either a link or a button will guide your audience on their next move. It will increase clicks, website visits and help generate leads. Content can help persuade visitors to go further along their user journey with you. Provide them with a relevant landing page, provide internal links and ask them to call or message you. All these will help improve conversions.

6. The (custard) cream on top

Quality content helps your audience connect with you and gives them the information they need to make educated purchases. There’s a skill in keeping the balance of your content relevant and fresh whilst being personal to your business. The customer is central, understanding what’s relevant for them at this time, what they may be searching for help with or be interested in knowing more about. By writing about topics your customers are interested in they begin to associate your great content with your brand. They are more inclined to trust you if they view you as an industry expert. Your content therefore should demonstrate your expertise in your field and provide valuable answers to your audience's questions.

7. Make it Rich (Tea)

Content marketing is a highly cost-effective marketing strategy in the customer journey. In short(bread), content marketing answers your customers’ questions and helps you build trust with them. It develops relationships, improves conversions, and generates leads. The better the quality and consistency of your content the better the returns. 

Happy are specialists in planning and creating powerful and engaging content. We know how to craft messages and make them work in a range of formats, whether it is simple words, influential blogs, amazing images, digital marketing campaigns or animated video production. We create content that inspires and engages helping organisations build an attractive digital presence and create new opportunities for greater customer engagement and business growth.

Happy’s content marketing specialists will help you create a strong online presence that’s personalised for your business. To find out how, email or call 01253 446933

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* Well done if you spotted 8 biscuits (Ginger Nuts, Nice, Cookies, Club, Digestive, Custard Creams, Rich Tea, Shortbread)



Louise Clarke is a Happy Content Manager, designer and illustrator. She is an author of kid’s books, and joined Happy in 2016.



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