Happy Develops Family-Friendly Brand for Sheffield City Council

Karen Lambert
Karen Lambert
Chief Happy

 Posted on: 06th February 2024

We’ve been working with the fabulous marketing team at Sheffield City Council to develop a brand identity for the Council's Early Help service. This service is essential for supporting parents and families in Sheffield, offering one point of contact to help and signpost on a range of matters including autism, breastfeeding advice to finding local toddler groups.

The success of this branding initiative was built on the insightful research conducted through focus groups and one-on-one interviews we did with families in the city. These sessions were central to understanding the unique needs and perspectives of Sheffield families. Through these interactions, we have been able to create a brand that truly resonates with the community, ensuring that the Early Help service is both engaging, relatable, and speaks their language.

The focus group research provided invaluable qualitative data, guiding our brand specialists and copywriters in creating an approachable and trustworthy brand for Early Help. This collaborative process ensured that the new brand identity not only looks appealing but also communicates effectively with its intended audience.

To maintain consistency and clarity in the brand's application, Happy also produced Early Help brand guidelines. These guidelines are designed to help stakeholders and anyone using the brand to understand how it should look and sound, ensuring a cohesive and professional presentation across all platforms.

Happy specialises in developing authentic brands that connect with their audience. Our experience spans both public and private sectors, where we have consistently delivered compelling brand identities and brands that resonate with their audiences.

 Chat to Happy’s branding specialists about your brand development.

Karen Lambert is a career-long marketer with over 30 years marketing experience in regional, national and global organisations. She founded Happy Creative in 2005.


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Happy Develops Family-Friendly Brand for Sheffield City Council
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