Marketing Leaders in 2022…

Karen Lambert
Karen Lambert

Chief Happy

Posted on: 23rd Feb. 2022

In over 30 years as a marketer the marketing landscape continues to evolve, flux and change, and as it does, the modern day marketer evolves with it. Whether you’re Head of Marketing, starting out in marketing, a business owner with responsibility for marketing, or just have an interest in it, you may recognise these characteristics in yourself or those around you.

Marketing Leaders in 2022…

…Are visionary

They are clear about their vision, can see it, touch it, hear it, even smell it. They have a laser-beam focus on their marketing vision and a confidence they will achieve it. They are not alone, they engage their team with their vision and instil a collective focus on achievement. Their leadership is agile, robust and passionate. Interestingly they don’t mind if they aren’t the centre of attention.

…Are transparent and open

They promote an inclusive culture where they are as comfortable with sharing successes as well as disappointments. They try new things and are willing to admit if they don’t quite work out as they had hoped. They learn quickly. They are proactive about sharing success, whilst creating and circulating insights that add value.

…Are brave

With so much available to the modern day marketer, (channels, systems, platforms, and reporting to name a few) marketing leaders are brave. They don’t stick with what they’ve always done just because it’s what they’ve always done. They are open to new ways of marketing and influencing. They are rational in their decision making. They look at results and effectiveness to move quickly. They aren’t afraid to try a new channel, be the first in their industry to try something different or to drive and implement a bold and challenging creative idea.


"They are constantly asking what’s next? With so much on offer,
they are constantly researching, evaluating, and horizon scanning."


…Are skilled listeners

They listen to hear and to understand. Stephen Covey, leadership guru and author of “The 7 habits of Highly Effective People” said “Listen with the intent to understand; not the intent to reply”. This is such a simple concept, and one that’s not always easily applied. Marketing leaders who do really listen to hear and understand have more success with their team, customers, and within their markets.

…Are champions of customers

Being customer-centric means they know their audience intimately, they are familiar with personas, they segment, they know what customers like and don’t like, and where they hang out. They listen. And they act. They recognise that good old-fashioned marketing values are still as relevant as ever.

…Are future focussed

They are constantly asking what’s next? With so much on offer, they are constantly researching, evaluating, and horizon scanning. They are armed with all the right information to roll with the latest trend if they choose to. They know how the latest ideas can impact their own strategy and tactics. We are seeing more and more companies and marketing leaders putting sustainability at their core, taking care of people, planet and profit, and there’s nothing more future focussed than this.



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Karen Lambert is a career-long marketer with over 30 years marketing experience in regional, national and global organisations. She founded Happy Creative in 2005.



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