Mid-winter in the office…

We are only half way through the winter season and -oh well- we can’t really say it is our favourite time of the year especially when having office based jobs. Yes we do have Halloween, Bonfire and Christmas time to lift our spirits and cheer us up but the middle of January brings upon us a vision of another few weeks of dark mornings and evenings, cold, rain, sneezing and coughing. The reality of warm sunny weather being such a long way in to the future doesn’t help either. We start to feel SAD. Well if you do, you need to remember you’re not the only one. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that affects many people during the winter period. Mild depression, sleepiness, lack of motivation, anxiety, poor concentration along with the poor weather are only few of the symptoms of the “winter blues”. But hey-ho there are ways to overcome this terrible, horrible feeling and make the day in the office just another fabulous day.


During exercise our body releases the most important “feel good hormone” – Endorphins, we have more energy and our metabolism is effectively regulated.


A good night’s sleep, relax and a lot of vitamin C are a must. Take that little extra care to protect yourself from getting flu, cold or any other illness. Healthy diet, daily selection of fruit and vegetables, a little walk during break time or simply positive conversation with work pals can make a huge difference in how we feel.


….and make sure you are away from your computer, desk or even your smartphone. Take time to have lunch, breathe in the fresh air (brrrr). Your body will have a chance to re-boot itself.


We all know laughter increases the release of endorphins – our greatest defence against depression. Smile! Don’t you feel better already? Smile at your co-workers as you pass them in the hallway, as you greet them at meetings or wherever you get the chance. Research shows you may be able to improve your mood by simply smiling. 🙂


If you are having a tough time being positive perhaps you have fallen into a pattern that has become a “rut”, but you can move into a new path by making small changes to change your perspectives to positivity. You need to focus on what you are looking forward to that day (not what you are dreading). Ask yourself, what’s good about today, why do you come to work, what do you look forward to…..Write down three things for which you are grateful about work at the end of the day.


The lonely evening in front of the fire, living under the blanket for the next three months is tempting, but will end up depressing you even more. Making the extra effort to connect in person means you will release more feel-good hormones. Physical connection through a handshake, a pat on the back or a high-five releases oxytocin which is promoting feelings of attachment and trust, facilitating greater collaboration amongst team mates.

Don’t underestimate the power of friends, family, mentors, co-workers, and neighbours. They are the best people to chat to when you’re down and need a pick-me-up. Keep a mental list of these special people and don’t be afraid to ask for help or encouragement when you need it. Something as simple as a phone call, a chat over coffee, or a nice email or letter can brighten your mood.


It would be nice to have something to look forward to. Sun, beach, barbeque, simply any summer time activity. Having all this waiting for us in near future will make the days go quicker and will bring the smile in to your face.


Go outside during you break. Make sure you are exposing your face to as much day light as possible. If you can’t get outside and there are no windows near your workspace, a decent alternative is an artificial blue light, or simply, switching to full-spectrum light bulbs. Light – especially the blue part of the spectrum – activates the areas in our brain that play a key role in our ability to process emotions. This means that handling emotional challenges that crop up throughout our day is easier and takes less out of us.

Damian Budny is a Creative Thinker and Web Developer at Happy Creative, a full service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go towww.happy-creative.co.uk

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