The perfect recipe for an effective campaign

cupcakes (2) What ingredients make a top recipe for a quality marketing campaign: objectives, market research, strategy, consistent brand values, added value, ROI.

My family is big on baking so I am never far away from some homemade goodies. This weekend alone there were cupcakes, cornflakes cakes and an apple pie and I have heard a banana loaf is on its way soon. I honestly wonder how I’m not 50 stone! Being surrounded by cakes, you soon begin to realise what makes a good cake. So that got me thinking, without the right ingredients, the cake will be a disaster and the same goes for marketing campaigns. So, here is my recipe for an effective marketing campaign…

150g butter AKA an objective

In cupcakes, butter holds everything together. In a marketing campaign, the ultimate goal or objective will keep everything together and give all involved something to focus on. You need to know where you are heading otherwise you will get lost.

150g self-raising flour AKA market research

Flour is one of the most important ingredients when making cupcakes. Without it you are heading for a gloopy mess. The same goes for market research, kind of. Without knowing who you are targeting, their key behaviour and where you can find them, you might as well just shout out of the window and hope that the right people hear you.

3 eggs AKA strategy

Eggs – another key ingredient. The same is said for a strategy. For everything to run smoothly, you need to know what you are doing and when, before, during and after the campaign. You know the saying… fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

150g sugar AKA a consistent approach

We all like a little sugar rush, it makes the Happies even happier. Your customers like it when you make them happy by being consistent with what you do. If you take the logo off your marketing materials, will it still be recognisable for your customers? A lack of consistency/sugar is never a good idea.

1tsp vanilla essence AKA brand values

Vanilla essence is under the surface but crucial to the end result, otherwise the cupcakes will have a very bland flavour, the same goes for your brand values. Everything you do needs to scream of your values, what you stand for.

Now we’ve mixed the basics together and popped them into an oven, it’s time to bring the cupcakes to life.

Icing AKA materials

By this point we have plain but perfectly mixed golden brown cupcakes, it’s time to get make them pretty so that mouths begin to water. You need to give your customers the right materials so that they take action. Think AIDA. Attention. Interest. Desire. Action. Give them something that will grab their attention in the best way leading them to take the desired action.

Decorations AKA Added Value

By this stage, the cupcakes are looking pretty good but what can you do to make them look even better and really stand out from the other cupcakes on the shelf? Give them a competitive advantage. Adding something extra to the campaign will help it to stand out. Send your customers a little present or an incentive, something that your competitors aren’t doing.

Ta-dah – the cakes are ready to eat! If you incorporate the above steps, then you will be well on your way to creating an effective campaign. Bon appetite!

Rachel Sutton is a Creative Thinker and Happy Account Executive at Happy Creative, a full service marketing agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to or follow us @happy_creative.

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