PR & Social Media – a Happy marriage?

Public relations word cloud concept with marketing communication related tags

As a former reporter who has had to reinvent himself over recent years Nick Hyde, Happy’s PR & Content Manager is only too aware the effect of social media on public relations.

PR used to have its own definition, a traditional role which promoted your company’s activities with press releases and a helpful addition to a marketing department. Now though, the role of a PR person is so much more. You are responsible for content, creative ideas, proofer, editor, social media manager, events organiser and general go-to person all rolled into one skilled and approachable person.

Frankly, when it comes to a role it’s akin to plate-spinning and making sure you are constantly keeping your eye on the ball. Or plate, you get Nick’s meaning. But there are some golden rules Nick will stick by whether you are working for a one-man band or a corporate giant.

Here are Nick’s top tips to a calmer way of using PR and social media:

  1. You have it, use it: There is no point spending what seems a lifetime setting up all those social media platforms if you aren’t going to use them. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc need to be updated regularly with news, promotions, features, pic whatever because…
  2. Content is king: No, it really is. Without adding fresh content to your platforms your chances of being seen online diminishes by the day. Keep it simple but keep it interesting and most importantly….
  3. Engage your reader: Having the content is great but if it doesn’t get the reader interested then it’s as useful as a chocolate teapot. If the reader likes it they will be an advocate for your business. Job done. Almost….
  4. Embrace new platforms: Being in PR also means spotting new opportunities. The advent of new apps happen on what seems a weekly basis. If you see or hear about one which you think could work for your business, have a go but make it part of your….
  5. Calendar: We are all guilty of forgetting something somewhere but having a diary of forthcoming events is crucial to your….
  6. Marketing and PR plan: Planning is essential for content and forthcoming press releases. If you know something is happening then get it in a spreadsheet or an online equivalent, there are loads out there to choose from. However, be prepared to…
  7. React (but don’t take it personally): Things happen that are sometimes out of your control so always a good idea to have a response ready, whether it’s for the press or a client. When it comes to social media a backlash is common (especially if it’s controversial) but remain calm and remember who you are representing.
  8. Keep things simple: Don’t confuse with multiple messages, by all means keep it on-brand and promote but too many messages will turn people off.
  9. Remain pro-active: Keep looking for new opportunities, even the smallest acorns can produce huge oak trees. What seems like a strange idea might turn into something your company can cherish.
  10. Have fun! It doesn’t have to be serious all the time. PR and social media are there to engage and spread messages but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little bit of banter from time to time, just know your limit.

Nick Hyde is PR & Content Manager at Happy Creative, a full service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to

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