Survive & thrive:
Inspirational quotes for challenging times
Tough times require bold inspiration
We’re so used to hearing the phrases “We’re all in the same boat” and “In these tough times…”, and whilst they're all true the reality is every business is different and everyone reacts differently to situations.
It’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed by what’s happening and wonder if your business can survive and thrive. No one has a magic wand or a crystal ball but if we embrace change and adapt the way we work, with a little courage and clever thinking maybe we can make it through this together.
And while we are all busy re-writing our business plans, here’s some inspirational words to help you focus.
13 inspirational quotes

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable
Christopher Reeve
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