Video Content: 4 ways to create engaging videos

Hakim Shujaee

Happy Designer
and Animator

Posted on: 15th Nov. 2022

When companies want to connect with their customers, they often turn to video as it gives them the perfect opportunity to tell their story.
Moving images are the most effective ways to tell stories and stories create human connections. Creating connections between organisations and their customers helps businesses grow. TV advertising was once the only way to showcase this kind of content and for SMEs that was way out of their budget. With the popularity of social channels, companies can create and share video content without needing a block-buster budget. SMEs that aren’t tapping into this opportunity are missing a trick. 
The medium of video can create a meaningful experience each time it’s viewed. Whether it resonates personally with us individually, helps us solve a problem or simply makes us smile, most of us will find some connection to this type of content.
Video marketing is the best way to grab attention and engage viewers for a longer period of time than say, static images. Keeping someone engaged is the quickest way to gain their trust.
So in order to create top notch video content here’s Happy’s list of things to consider
1. Understand your audience
To create effective video content that connects with your audience we must first understand who your audience is and what they need from you. Your target audience will have certain characteristics in common such as shared interests, similar challenges, demographics, and certain behaviours. When there is real clarity on the target audience you can create content that draws their attention.
Addressing everyone at once is ineffective, when you’re clear on your target audience, you’ll produce content that will make them feel like you really understand them, and you’re speaking directly to them rather than generalising. That’s how we connect on a personal level.
 2. Humanise your Brand
Video is the only medium that can encapsulate all of these brand-building qualities:
• Communication - getting your message across
• Storytelling - involving the viewer in your brand story
• Engagement - keeping them interested… what will happen next?
• Humanisation - showing them that you’re real people 
• Relationships - building trust and in turn, long lasting customer relations
Whether the video makes them laugh, cry or gives them an “a-ha” moment, invoking an emotional response with your video content is a great way to connect with your audience on every level. 

3. Personalise it
Knowing who your target audience is allows you to personalise your content, making sure you’re addressing their pain points, showing them that you have the answers. 
We’re not suggesting you create a blockbuster movie but creating a story that feels like them, having characters they can resonate with or sharing information that will help them with their challenges will certainly connect. Some SMEs use their team to show the face of their company – familiarity builds trust. Using a ‘soap opera’ effect, where the target audience wants to know “when’s the next chapter”? “Oh this is what they’re up to today”. 
4. Mix it up 
If you’re not one for being on camera or your place of work isn’t camera-ready, don’t worry, you can always use animation. This allows you to create equally powerful moving images without the need for an A-List cast. Gifs and animations are great for drawing attention and can be very simple and effective ways of getting your message across. This type of video content doesn’t necessarily require ‘sound on’ or captions so can be viewed ‘in-feed, which works well on social media platforms.

When video content is used effectively it provides a great return on investment. The good news is you don’t have to be Quinten Tarantino to create it. Happy can help you plan and execute engaging, impactful and informative video content that will help you shine online.

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Hakim Shujaee is an animator, designer and illustrator. He has created animated video content for leading UK brands including Cambridge University Press. He has been a Happy since 2012.

If your business is looking for more leads, then animated video content can help. Call us on 01253 446933 or email at



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