What Inspires You?

Writing is easy: All you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead” – Gene Fowler


What inspires you? What makes you spend time pondering a question, working out the variables, and then coming up with a proposition that solves the question on its many levels.


Human nature makes us question everything we see, smell, hear or eat, but what sources of inspiration gives you the answers? You need that moment of inspiration to solve a question, but inspiration is not something that you can turn on like a tap. I’ve decided to write down a few things that inspire me and it would be interesting to read comments about what inspires other people.


I still experience a childlike sense of glee in saying: “I’m going outside!” I think it has to do with being very office based during the week. I take time to get away from the office, or home. I find I am most drawn to places that have greenery, a park or the Lake District, anywhere in fact, where I feel that I have got away from four walls and a ceiling. The change of environment does seem to have an immediate effect on my thought processes, it relaxes me and somewhere on the left side of my head, just behind my ear an answer floats into being. Magic!


My children inspire me. The unbridled fun they are capable of having in any situation in life is both refreshing and inspiring. Whether it’s playing a ‘baddy’ in a game of toy sword fighting, or building towers that immediately get knocked down. The opportunity to join in with their play provides a sense of release and an enormous sense of freedom; a chance if you will, to forget all the caveats and responsibilities of being an adult. It allows you to think differently. These childhood games break down any barriers and allow thoughts to run freely.


Relaxing and laughing with friends. Listening to their lives, their stories and hopes for the future.


I’m impressed by achievement, particularly when the odds are really stacked against you. I’m humbled by stories of heroism, such as Hillary and Tenzing climbing Everest, Scott and Shackleton overcoming the arctic elements or by watching the indomitable Bear Grylls eating the animal kingdom, even to marveling at the crab fisherman on “Dangerous Catch”.


Science is an incredible source of inspiration. At present, I’m reading a book called “Parallel Worlds” by Michio Kaku, which makes you stop and think and ties your brain in amazed knots, as you try and fathom his suggestions about the world we live in.


Sporting achievement also inspires me. Watching the ability of Usain Bolt in the Olympics, the character of Armstrong and when an England team in any sport does well.


Graphic design heroes such as Saul Bass, Wim Crouwe, Paul Rand and Peter Saville can’t help but be inspiring. Seeing my work colleagues ideas also allows you to explore the variety of possibilities to any question. The process of design, from the infamous blank piece of paper, to the realisation of a design is an experience that you remember and want more of. The success of a design makes you want to achieve bigger and better things and drives forward your inspiration.


Your Inspiration
These are a few things that inspire me and my list expands all the time. As I finish this article, I’ve forgotten to mention music – an incredible source of inspiration. It would be great to hear what inspires you. Please post your comments and share your thoughts. I’ll be interested to read them.


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James Chantler is Creative Director at Happy Creative, a full service marketing agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to www.happy-creative.co.uk

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