With preparations for the Rio Olympics well underway and final trials taking place a new business is focusing on what it takes to be the best…
Determination, dynamic skills and high performance.
Performance coach Sarah McDowell launched The Leader Centre earlier this year and will work with CEOs and leadership teams to create high performance teams. A firm believer in the thinking that leaders should be like elite athletes she will be focusing the mind-set of companies to think like the Mo Farahs and Usain Bolts of this world – and to aim to achieve the very best, be world beaters.
Sarah is also Chair for the Academy for Chief Executives which is where she met Happy Creative managing director, Karen Lambert.
The Leader Centre brand had to be fresh and striking and needed to portray what it takes for a business and its team to aspire to during the course of their coaching in order to challenge and support them in order for them to achieve the very pinnacle of their prospects and get top place on the podium.
Servicing the North West, Yorkshire and Humberside, The Leader Centre works with companies and individuals on their business performance. By the end of the tutelage Sarah aims to walk into a very different business than the one she started with.
With a stunning brand now behind her, and an equally stunning website to follow, all designed and developed by Happy Creative, The Leader Centre has what it takes to help business reach their peak performance and be winners.
Nick Hyde is PR & Content Manager at Happy Creative, a full service marketing and creative agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to www.happy-creative.co.uk