Branding - 5 benefits a strong brand brings to your business

Karen Lambert
Karen Lambert

Chief Happy

Let’s start with 5 quick questions…

1. Do you want to make it easier for your customers and prospects to buy from you?
2. Do you want to inspire your team?
3. Do you wish to encourage customer loyalty?
4. Do you want to increase awareness of your business?
5. Do you wish to be more easily recognised and stand out from the crowd?

If you answered yes to any of these then having a strong brand will make a positive difference to your business. First let’s look at what we mean when we say “brand.”


What is a brand?

The short answer is: everything. It’s about how you look, what you say, how you behave, and essentially how you make someone feel. It’s so much more than a memorable, well-designed logo. And when branding is done well, it increases the value of a company, it provides employees with direction and motivation, and makes acquiring and retaining customers easier.

Typically, what makes a brand great isn’t just one thing—it’s a combination of several.

People have different ideas about what branding is. Some people think it’s simply logo but it’s so much more and it includes at least some of the following

  • Design Style (logo, colours, typography)
  • Website
  • Shop front
  • Customer experience
  • Social Media Presence
  • Customer Service
  • Company Culture
  • Taglines and Slogans
  • Product Quality and Pricing
  • Company Philosophy and “Personality”

Your brand is what makes you, you

Your brand is one of the single most important investments you can make in your business. Not only does it make you memorable, it conditions your clients and colleagues to know what to expect from your company. It’s a way of distinguishing yourself from your competitors and creating your own space in your industry, and beyond.


A valued brand inspires employees

A smart and accomplished brand will help your company build trust, not only with potential clients but also with your employees. Working for a strongly branded company that is proud to demonstrate its values, attracts more satisfied workers who have a higher degree of pride in their work. A brand that is held in high regard makes for more fulfilled and satisfied staff.


Consistent brand building increases awareness

Regular and consistent branding activity helps build recognition. This means when a customer is looking for a particular product or service or considering a company to perform a service, they are more able to bring your brand to mind..Prospects are far more likely to choose a brand that they recognise other than something unfamiliar, even if they don’t know a great deal about your company at the time. Whilst customers receive positive reinforcement of the good choice they made in your brand. This is why it’s an important part of marketing to be seen and heard where customers and prospects can see and hear you on a regular and consistent basis.


A strong brand increases customer loyalty

The recognition and elevation that strong brand builds upon all lend to greater customer loyalty. Customers are attracted to brands that they share values with. When you build a strong brand, you convey these values to build an emotional connection.


A respected brand makes it easier for customers to purchase

Having a respected brand enhances your credibility with customers, your industry and the marketplace as a whole. As you build your credibility you also build recognition, loyalty and visibility. Everything goes hand in hand, and you’ll find that your credibility has a direct connection to customers’ ease of purchase. We want to buy from companies we know, like and trust. If your brand is respected you’re more likely to win the business.


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Karen Lambert is a career-long marketer with over 30 years marketing experience in regional, national and global organisations. She founded Happy Creative in 2005.



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