Social Media – 5 ways your business will benefit

Louise Clarke
Louise Clarke

Digital Content Manager

Currently half of the world’s entire population are social media users.

A captive audience at your fingertips, all waiting to see what you can do. So if your business hasn’t embraced all that this ‘anyone-is-invited-party’ has to offer then help is at hand because there are 3.5 billion reason why your business needs social media…here’s 5 big ones:


1. Increase your brand awareness

According to statistics social media is where 60% of users find new products and services.

You need a gardener? You can ask facebook for recommendations. You need a good accountant with a solid reputation? Then LinkedIn can help. Think of your social presence as your shop front. By promoting yourself on social media you’re placing yourself on the main street for hundreds of thousands of passers by to see.


2. Generate leads & boost sales

Social media advertising should be an important part of your sales funnel and your business marketing strategy. Low cost and easy to set up, you can target your adverts to a specific audience and your reach can be global or local to suit your needs. Always have a clear plan of what your message is and what you’re trying to achieve, use your analytics wisely to see what works and allow yourself to learn as you go.


3. Humanise your brand

Let the personality of your brand shine through on social and always be true to who you are. Consistency is key so don’t be tempted to copy what others are doing. Your content should be smart and well researched but always in your own style. Connect with your customers, build trust and show your values. Share your thoughts and insights, get your staff involved and let your customers see the faces behind the great work that you do. Be the most helpful version of yourself and establish your business as the go to option.


4. Build and manage your reputation

Always be grateful to your customers. Ask your followers what they want, engage with them, listen and respond. Provide support. Don’t be afraid of user generated content (UGC), content created by people not brands. Get your customers involved and ask them to give testimonials or interviews. Use hashtags or create a competitions and people will respond.


5. It’s FREE advertising

Most social media users log in at least once a day and spend on average 3 hours a day scrolling. That’s 1,095 hours per year, per person of FREE advertising that your business can benefit from. Whether you choose paid ads or just use your social channels to post, it’s all about presence.


So now you can get sharing, tweeting, liking and blogging, and remember content is key. Start by creating a strategy, share posts that are helpful, fun or that build rapport, and do it consistently and frequently.

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Louise Clarke is a Happy Content Manager, designer and illustrator. She is an author of kid’s books, and joined Happy in 2016.



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