World Chocolate Day 2020:

How well do you know your chocolate brands?

Louise Clarke
Louise Clarke

Digital Content Manager

To celebrate World Chocolate Day 2020 and the 'best day ever' (frankly there should be more of these kind of days) we’ve put together a melt-in-the-mouth mind bender of a quiz; so whilst you enjoy a quick brew and a Curly Wurly, see if you can name all these chocolate brands and treats.

Chocolate comes from the seed of a fruit tree (so surely it counts as part of our five-a-day, right?); It’s crammed full of antioxidants and it is believed that just the smell alone is enough to stimulate the feel-good receptors in our brains; Plus around 40 to 50 million people depend on cocoa for their livelihood so by eating it we're helping other people too.

The first 'chocolate bar' was created by Cadbury’s, in 1842 and records suggest that another well-known brand Fry and Sons created what became known as ‘eating chocolate’ just a few years later in 1847. Up until then chocolate was only ever drunk not eaten. As a tasty snack, choccy bars have been around for nearly 180 years and the Cadbury brand remains the second largest confectionery brand in the world after Mars.

Now you have all the chocofacts, let’s get started …




Can you name the chocolate brand?
(Hover over for answers)

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Congratulations on completing the quiz. How did you get on? If you scored 10 or above, you are amongst the chocolate elite!

Endorphins together with dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin are the four neurotransmitters that form a quartet that is responsible for our happiness and they are all released when we eat chocolate. #happyworldchocolateday

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Louise Clarke is a Happy Content Manager, designer and illustrator. She is an author of kid’s books, and joined Happy in 2016.



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