Why your brand could use a refresh…

Louise Clarke
Louise Clarke

Digital Content Manager

Posted on: 2nd Sept. 2021

We live in a world where trends are constantly changing, so businesses need to evolve and adapt quickly to attract new customers and to reach changing markets. The past 2 years have seen companies shift and pivot in order to survive and as we emerge from the pandemic there has never been a better time to reinvent your brand.
Rebranding can mean all sorts of different things like changes to your logo, slogan, values, name, target audience, or market but ultimately building a new brand identity will help your business stay relevant, stand out amongst competitors, and improve your brand awareness.
According to leading marketeers your business has approximately seven seconds to make a first impression. So make that 7 seconds count.
Your brand says so much about your business. It’s your identity. It tells your story, builds relationships and determines your position in the market. A beautifully-crafted, authentic brand can do as much, if not more, for your business than any other marketing strategy or sales effort. In contrast, a tired, ineffective brand that doesn’t fully represent who you are can leave your business falling behind its competitors.
It’s always a really good idea to audit your brand every now and then just to understand if its identity is telling the right story for your business. Is it giving your customers the right impression?
YOUR VISUAL IDENTITY is your best marketing tool, but how consistent is it?
A brand is much more than a logo and imagery. Leading brands always have a strong core identity and this must be portrayed in your tone of voice. It’s not just what you say but how you say it. All your visual assets and your ‘voice’ should work in perfect harmony.
Ask yourself… 
Does your logo still work? Cross platform, digitally, on social media, in print, in large format?
Does it look dated, tired or out of touch?
Does your brand stand out from your competitors? How will they remember you over all the others?
Your business may be changing. You might be launching a new product, service or just aiming at a new demographic. Does your brand still work for these new times we’re living in?

Refreshing your brand with a new look, a new personality, and new messaging every so often reinvigorates interest, brings in new customers and re-energizes old or idle clients. 
One could argue that brands built on long-term trust and nostalgia might be wary of change, but giving your brand a boost allows you to tap into new markets and expand your growth.
Perhaps you want or need to attract a younger audience, bigger spenders, or step into a completely new sector altogether. Maybe you want to incorporate more social responsibility into your business or show that you’re a more sustainable option.
Once you know who you want to target and how you’re going to approach them you can bring everything to life with a shiny new look. Launching your new vibe in itself will generate a buzz around your brand. Your business has the advantage of being well established but you’re showing that you are forward-thinking and times are changing.
In short, if you want your brand to stand the test of time, keep it fresh and relevant.
So what steps do you need to take to refresh your brand? Here’s some ideas:
Invest in a proper brand style guide. Whether you’re a small or large business a solid brand guide means that even if you outsource your creative collateral everything will still look polished and consistent.
Spend time on your imagery. Book a quality photographer that will help give you direction and make sure your products and services are shown at their very best. If you can sell the lifestyle your clients want, the products sell themselves.
Incorporate a fresh new colour palette into your brand. Colours are so important in how they make your customers feel. Spend time doing your research and make your brand stand out with exciting, feel-good shades.
Don’t be afraid to tell the story of your brand and be proud of how it’s evolved. Humanizing your brand through a genuine story or video during rebranding can make your company stay in the minds of your clients.


A rebrand doesn’t have to cost the earth. At Happy we provide branding workshops and marketing packages to suit your budget. Start the conversation and let us help your brand look its absolute best.

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Louise Clarke is a Happy Content Manager, designer and illustrator. She is an author of kid’s books, and joined Happy in 2016.



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